Week 30 of World War Bee was slightly less busy than week 29, with 31 fights and 37 hostile actions. Delve largely dominated the headlines while some of the Eastern front hosted lots of action.
The link for INN’s cumulative New Eden campaign report is here. Across New Eden, since July 1, the ISK split is 54.439% to 45.61% in favor of the the Imperium, a return to a positive trend for the Imperium. After hand-calculating the values, all belligerents have now lost 123 trillion ISK, an increase of 5.5 trillion ISK week over week. Nearly 726,000 ships have been destroyed, an increase of 26,000 week over week. The average ship lost cost 169.5 million ISK, an increase of almost two million ISK week over week. The real world cost of the war is no less than 1,915,000 USD/1,436,000 GBP/1,608,000 EUR.
There were 13 battles in week 30 that exceeded 20 billion ISK in total losses, excluding the border skirmish battle report of 1DQ1-A/T5ZI-S and the M2-XFE hellcamp. Six battles were strategic victories for the Imperium, two were strategic draws, one was an inconclusive result, and four were strategic wins for the PAPI Coalition.
The three major theaters are the North (Fountain and the border with Aridia and Cloud Ring as well as western Delve), the South (the rest of Delve, Querious, and Period Basis), and the East (Paragon Soul, Catch, Stain, and Esoteria). Of particular note: the Imperium’s 1-SMEB Keepstar was destroyed and the PAPI coalition staged a major break-out of many of their titans from M2-XFE despite sacrificing nearly two trillion ISK in dreadnoughts.
The week kicked off with a bang as the Imperium defended its I-E and ZXB iHubs in the western Delve constellation that borders Fountain, the battle showed that the Imperium lost 25.3 billion ISK for 18.7 billion in kills and both iHubs saved. The M2-XFE hellcamp snagged another titan kill, as the Imperium lost 3.9 billion while destroying 79.8 billion ISK. Monday’s hellcamp saw a much quieter day as the Imperium lost 402.8 million ISK for 6.8 billion ISK in kills. Tuesday, the Imperium welped some cruiser fleets while attempting to defend some iHubs from initial reinforcement, sacrificing 63.1 billion ISK and killing 9.6 billion. The M2-XFE camp caught another big kill, destroying 83.9 billion ISK for 4.3 billion in losses.
Wednesday saw the PAPI coalition bring thousands of pilots to finally contest the M2-XFE hellcamp in force. After action reports saw PAPI leadership admitting that they tried to notify titan pilots individually of the jailbreak, thinking that those pilots were unlikely to spread the word and risk their massive assets. After the dust settled, each side lost 6 titans, while the PAPI coalition successfully extracted 180 titans, leaving 119 camped under the Imperium’s guns. In exchange for evacuating their titans, the PAPI forces emptied their dreadnought caches and sacrificing 411 dreadnoughts to pull the Imperium’s focus from the titans and supers on the field. By the end of the day, the Imperium destroyed 2 trillion ISK for 506.2 billion in losses.
Thursday, the two sides slugged it out over iHubs, seeing the Imperium save five iHubs but losing 2 Keepstar iHubs. The final damage showed the Imperium losing 26.4 billion ISK for 27.4 billion in kills. Action in the hellcamp was a little exciting again as the Imperium killed 112.2 billion ISK for 54.1 billion in losses. Friday saw a rare reversal of fortune in the hellcamp as the Imperium lost 115.8 billion ISK for 43.8 billion in kills. Saturday ended the weekend quietly with the Imperium losing 4.5 billion and killing 10.2 billion.
The Eastern Theater in week 30 was quite interesting as 3rd-party groups continued to make inroads into Catch and other parts of former Legacy Coalition territory. Beginning Sunday, Simple Farmers killed a TEST Fortizar and a number of other alliances laid siege to Brave’s home staging system of GE-8JV with tech 3 cruisers, leading to a total body count of 16.9 billion ISK in total losses. Monday saw one of the strangest actions in the East, where Dreadbomb alliance somehow acquired a staging Fortizar in Catch from the TEST executor corporation. Dreadbomb allowed the Fortizar to become abandoned and they saw 75 billion ISK or more dropped from the citadel.
Wednesday, a Goon ganking group ambushed a TEST freighter, killing 15.6 billion for 1.2 billion in losses. Friday, Bastion laid siege to a TEST Sotiyo, killing 17.1 billion ISK for 6.9 billion while TEST successfully saved the citadel. Saturday saw TEST lose a Fortizar in Catch. INIT. showed up to fight Brave as well, killing 21.4 billion ISK for 11.8 billion in losses. The week in the East ended with another attempted siege by the Imperium, ultimately saved by PAPI, but the Imperium killed 17.4 billion for 7.7 billion in losses.
Sunday began the week in the South with the Imperium killing a TEST Fortizar in Querious. During the Legacy SOTA/Townhall, the Imperium saved a number of iHubs in the former Helm’s Deep section of Delve. The border skirmish battle report showed the Imperium losing 36.7 billion ISK for 18.3 billion in kills. Monday saw PanFam kill a Goon Tatara in Northern Delve, killing 32.8 billion ISK for 6.7 billion. The Imperium killed a number of TEST anchorables in Period Basis, destroying 6.7 billion ISK for 5.2 billion in losses. Members of the PAPI coalition used the slow day to siege through the armor timer on the 1-SMEB Keepstar timer under the protection of a system-wide cynosural field jammer, killing 675 million ISK for 1.8 billion in losses. The border skirmish battle report saw the Imperium lose 28.2 billion ISK for 21.1 in kills.
Tuesday, the Imperium and PAPI showed up to contest iHubs in the SPNZ-Z constellation, home to the PAPI staging in T5ZI-S Keepstar. The Imperium defended the D-W Keepstar iHub while losing the JP4 iHub. The butcher’s bill showed the Imperium losing 135.2 billion ISK for 89.5 billion ISK in kills. PAPI forces ended up killing a faction Fortizar in Period Basis, destroying 61.3 billion ISK for 9 billion in losses. The border skirmish was dead even at basically 20.1 billion ISK each in losses.
Wednesday’s border skirmish battle report showed the Imperium killed 16.4 billion ISK for 19.5 billion in losses. Thursday, PAPI forces showed up to kill another faction Fortizar in Period Basis, destroying 67.6 billion ISK for 5.1 billion in losses. PAPI forces also killed the 1-SMEB Imperium Keepstar under the cyno jammer. The border skirmish battle report saw the Imperium lose 12.3 billion ISK to kill 16.1 billion. Friday’s battle report showed the Imperium lose 11.5 billion ISK for 9.9 billion in kills. The week-ending border skirmish showed the Imperium losing 11.4 billion ISK for 10.1 billion in kills.
Sunday, Legacy held a State of the Alliance/Townhall event that was covered elsewhere on INN here. Monday, in Immensea, a group of 3rd-party alliances killed a Legacy Tatara and Azbel, with a total of 39 billion ISK destroyed. Thursday, a similar group of 3rd-party alliances destroyed a Warped Intentions Fortizar in Immensea as well.