Well, it’s that time of year again and the end of October is almost upon us. In many cultures around the world influenced by the tradition of All Saints’ Day the final day of the month brings a special celebration of the dead. America has Halloween , Mexico has the Day of the Dead, in Guatemala giant kites are made and flown in celebration, in Brazil a public holiday is observed on November second. In the far off region of Delve a different religion, one that no Earthly church would likely claim any relationship to, a man called Bloody Omir has decided to celebrate too. In this video released by The Scope he can be seen making it rain with a device similar to a lemon juicer, but for people.
Lore-wise, Bloody Omir is the leader of the Blood Raider Covenant, heretics exiled from the Amarr Empire for their habit of pumping all the blood out of other people. With the Empire already under strain from Drifter incursions and the death of Empress Jamyl, he has chosen to begin launching attacks against the Empire. Also of interest in that in the video Omir has capsuleer implants clearly visible in his back.
In terms of EVE gameplay CCP released a devblog detailing the introduction of Blood Raider Gauntlets. These are sites that can spawn in any system, requiring a combat site to complete. According to posts in the comments thread they are not especially challenging, being easy to complete in a Confessor. Instead competition between players for the sites seems to be the main threat to capsuleers trying to run them.
For completing the site players will receive a Blood Raider Abaddon SKIN and a chance at a Blood raider Cerebral Accelerator dropping. The accelerators come in normal and advanced versions, granting a 10 or 12 attribute point boost that lasts 24 hours. They will cease to function after November 2, oddly enough the date of All Souls’ Day, the traditional end of the period where the departed were venerated. SKINs earned will be permanent. Also noted in the thread is that the accelerators do not appear to be working properly; CCP has said they do function but a UI glitch prevents this from displaying, while players timing their skillpoint gain are reporting no increase. We will keep this article updated if CCP makes any further statements on the matter.
This article originally appeared on TheMittani.com, written by FearlessLittleToaster.