Our first in a series of World of Warship videos, in this Ship Spotlight we focus on the Omaha class cruiser.
Introduced in the 1920’s, the Omaha class cruiser was designed to bring the US Navy into the modern age. However, by the time WWII came around she was not modern or strong enough to serve on the front lines, so the USS Omaha was delegated to escort duty and patrolling.
In World of Warships, the Omaha class cruiser is very similar to the USS Phoenix, but outperforms her in several ways.
Of the three hull configurations for the Omaha, the second configuration is when your cruiser becomes a force to be reckoned with in World of Warships. In this configuration, your World of Warships Omaha class cruiser gets 8 turrets, 4 sets of torpedo launchers and anit-aircraft guns.
The decision then comes down to should you stay at the Omaha’s second configuration or move up to the third?
The Omaha becomes more of an anti-aircraft vessel with the third configuration, as your cruiser loses 2 guns and 2 torpedo launchers. However, your cruiser does gain a large anti-aircraft gun nest at the back of the ship and throughout the hull. The damage you gain from shooting planes down will compensate for the damage you lose from shooting other ships or torpedoing them.
Ultimately, you have to choose the fitting that suits your gameplay in World of Warships.
The World of Warships Omaha class cruiser is a great ship as you make your way to the Cleveland. While the Omaha may not find a permanent location in your shipyard, it is a fun ship to play as you make your way through the tech tree.
Watch the whole video on TheMittaniTV YouTube channel for some interesting history on the Omaha class cruiser, and more details on best utilizing this ship during your World of Warships gameplay.
This article originally appeared on TheMittani.com, written by Sabrina.