Ranger Regiment has joined the Imperium. In a post of the same title on the official Goonfleet forums, Goonswarm alliance CEO and Imperium autocrat the Mittani announced the move and extended the coalition’s hand in friendship.
“I would like to formally welcome Ranger Regiment and their allies into the Imperium for a trial membership in our coalition. We have witnessed Ranger Regiment fighting hard against their enemies in Fraternity, who have allied with our enemies in NCdot, PL and Horde. The moves that must be made are now obvious. Our new allies have agreed to abide by all rules of the Imperial Charter, and will be held to that same high standard of conduct we hold all Imperium citizens as we evaluate how well we can operate together organizationally.”
How this will impact the ongoing fighting in the north remains to be seen.
Update: INN contacted Sort Dragon (leader of Dead Coalition) who gave us this statement: “While we are hurt that Ranger Regiment decided to leave us, we accept their decision and are at least happy that they chose to join our allies in the Imperium instead of our enemies”.