A TEST Alliance Please Ignore (TEST) Leviathan worth approximately 118b ISK has been killed tonight by Stainwagon forces in the Stain system of 4GQ-XQ. According to commenters on the /r/eve subreddit, the pilot is planning to quit EVE. He may have tried to sell or give away the titan prior to gating into 4GQ. Those commenters supporting this story say that he was unable to find anyone to sit in the ship. This resulted in a decision to suicide it instead.
As noted by other commenters, however, elements of this story don’t seem to make sense. There is at least one Keepstar accessible to the pilot in question. There, the titan could easily have been traded or contracted to another corpmate, even one who could not fly it. In addition, a small TEST gang was apparently dispatched to attempt to save the Leviathan, further undercutting claims of intentional suicide. It is possible, however, that the would-be rescuers were simply a small roam in the wrong place at the right time.
INN will update this story if more information becomes available.