The combined Northern Coalition Dot (NC.) and Pandemic Legion (PL) invasion in Delve has seen large gains, but not without accompanying strife. A lack of large battles and a cunning guerilla defense has proven wearying, but all together successful for the NC. and PL side in securing ground throughout Delve. As previously covered on TMC, the initial invasion of Delve saw the early taking of Delve holdings including 1-SMEB in the nearby Aridia Delve pocket by NC. These actions were undertaken while concerns of reprisal from EV0KE were dismissed, and the very existence of xXPIZZAXx imperiled following the departure of some of the alliance’s most influential leadership. The fate of the link between the members of the southern Elite Space Coalition lay in question. Battles were fought over the sweet riches of moon matter, and all the while EON and PIZZA sovereignty holdings were slowly being degraded and hacked away until nullified or conquered. How were EON and PIZZA to mount an appreciable defense given the determination and numbers available to NC. and PL forces? A war of attrition was decided upon.
“It’s not like delve is super exciting at the moment. Took a few moons, took a pocket. Yah, but if no fights it’s not exciting. People are just randomly entosing shit and honestly there [has] been little opposition. I can’t speak from every fight, but we showed up, EV0KE basically moved out, PIZZA gave a couple of fights and moved, EON gives a few more fights, but honestly I don’t think i have undocked in a week. I’m usually in every CTA I can be.” LadyScarlet, lead diplomat of NC., speaking on the current state of affairs in Delve.
In the wake of the invasion, near Aridia Delve including 1-SMEB and surrounding systems has largely been secured by NC. forces with appreciable Activity Defense Multiplier (ADM) gains being made. August 18 saw the conquering of the pocket system Y-OMTZ in southwestern Delve, now securely conquered by NC. with an ADM level near four. On August 23, the central Delve system AJI-MA switched hands to PL from NC. with the status of adjacent HM-XR2 is up for debate, now a freeport.
On August 24, RF-K9W was taken by Clueless Space Nerds Podcast (CSN.P) from NC., although this system contains no outpost. By August 25, systems between AJI-MA toward northwestern Delve including T-IPZB, Q-JQSG, T-M0FA, and R5-MM8 have been largely dissolved of sovereignty ownership, freeported or conquered by NC. and PL. Additionally on August 25, the pocket systems including Y5C-YD to 5-6QW7 were secured by NC. forces, ensuring the ownership of a second pocket by NC.
In recent days the south- and north- pocket systems of Delve including Y-OMTZ and 7UTB-F, respectivetly, have been secured by NC. The EON mid-west pocket including 7G-QIG and surrounding systems remain secure. Alongside this pocket, the mid mid-[north]-delve systems QC-YX6 and LUA5-L neighbors systems that have been largely dismantled or conquered.
Although NOL-M9, with a stable ADM of four, still remains in the hands of PIZZA, largely all other PIZZA sovereignty holdings in Delve have been abandoned or quashed. Even the southern Delve system of YAW-7M, currently owned by PIZZA, is now reinforced (more likely than not due to adjacent alliances not including NC. or PL), its fate remaining to be decided in the coming days.
For EON, What will the happen to the 39P-1J pocket system, will the northern mid-delve systems including Q-JQSG and T-M0FA be also secured by the invasionary forces of NC. and PL?
To get a better perspective of the events in the eyes of EON, TMC sat down with Atlan Dallocort, co-CEO of Know your role and Fleet Commander of EON for a quick interview on the state of affairs in Delve, found on the following page.
Update: In addition, Safrel of PIZZA, who previously interviewed with TMC at the early stages of the current events transpiring in Delve, was available for a short chat Thursday. This interview is on page 3.
TMC > How did you EON initially respond to the NC. invasion, did it take you by surprise?
Atlan Dallocort > When NC. moved in we had already reacted to PL coming to our doorstep, so we did not have to do much. Both PL and NC. are both in another weight class than EON, so we quickly decided we can only fight them with guerilla tactics. Without committing big ships which would only get out-escalated.
Atlan Dallocort, FC of EON.
TMC > So the strategy being, stick to small groups to respond to sov mechanics to limit the potential for large escalation, do you see this as a sustainable strategy? Given the capture of the 7utb-f/y5c and y-o pockets in some ways signifies a grasp on the region by NC. and PL, although many systems such as those previously owned by PIZZA are in a perpetual state of seesaw, is this seesaw how you see the invasion continuing?
Atlan Dallocort > After NC. captured the entry pocket our main strategy has been keeping NC. busy with their own problems. Using fleet concepts designed for this kind of warfare we were able to harass NC.’s own sov while being able to quickly retreat if they escalate. This ties into the result to tire NC. out and not giving them the kind of content they expected coming here
TMC > It does seem to be having some effect, given when a random line member was asked his feelings toward the sov campaign, the response we got was pretty interesting.
Atlan Dallocort > lol
Atlan Dallocort > Regarding the pockets, we live with the assumption NC. and PL are able to take every sov they want, if they are motivated to do it. But we also realized the new mechanics and are not trying to hold sov which we don’t actually need. We currently established a very fast skirmish doctrine based on frigates, which is a pain to catch and fight, but still strong enough to not get ignored (or you will get punished for it) but we also fly normal cruiser stuff. depends on the situation. You can find a few battle reports here.
TMC > Is your collaboration with Elite Space Coalition (ESC) helping in any way? EVOKE seemed to just disappear at the start of the invasion.
Atlan Dallocort > Basically all of ESC broke away, only remaining parties are some groups which live in Period Basis. All other groups, including Ev0ke, Easily Offended and Confederation of xXDisbandXx have looked for different content
TMC > Do you see NOL falling soon, or do you think PIZZA will hold it?
Atlan Dallocort > Pizza is dead mate 🙂
Atlan Dallocort > and I really mean dead.
TMC > So now that you (EON) are in a new position, and more so on your own, are you having fun with the new fozzie sov mechanics?
Atlan Dallocort > We have fun annoying NC. and PL. Which doesn’t necessarily include the new mechanics, which might not be perfect, but still better than the old ones. But we don’t use them everyday,…We live in Delve, so we naturally have all our most important assets in NPC space anyways. But contrary to the capabilities of NC. and PL we think with a motivated group of players you can hold small amounts of systems against strong enemies. Not because they can’t technically take it, but because it’s too much effort and annoyance to cope with.
TMC > Thank you so much for your time, if there is anything else you want to say go for it.
Atlan Dallocort > #hailfozzie xD
TMC > What is the state of PIZZA from your perspective?
Safrel > Lacco seized the rest of lovesquad assets, waiting for the glorious return of space. I give it a month [before he starts spending it]. But I expect space to do lowsec stuff in 3.
TMC > if space returns, would you join back up, or not?
Safrel > Probably not. Once I get settled into a new place, I’m unlikely to move.
TMC > how soon do you give NOL before it falls?
Safrel > i give it until NC. or whoever overruns concordiat slash bothers to take it. NOL itself isnt particularly valuable. Concordiat will be staying in delve under the Pizza tag.
TMC > are you bothered in any way based on the way things turned out (space leaving, PIZZA splintering, delve being invaded)?
Safrel > I’m not especially bothered by space leaving, or the end of pizza or delve even. I’m more concerned what this means for the future of mid-size groups like us if all it takes is to break the morale of one person and the whole group collapses
TMC > what are your future goals now in EVE at this turning point in your career?
Safrel > Thats a hard question. When you set off on an empire-building goal and it gets yanked out from under you, you feel pretty leery about starting a new one. Even if it’s what you want to do most. Right now I think i’ll join up with some friends and bank up until the next big thing comes around, whatever that is.
What was it that BL said? 10b in the wallet by september?
TMC> i’m not sure
Safrel > Something like that.. Which reminds me. Some of pizza moved into thera, some of em are doing other WH things. EU and US tz are split between Uemon and delve, respectively.
TMC > I think that will about rap it up, anything else you would like to comment on? Thanks again for both interviews and your time!
Safrel > Its been fun flying with pizza proper for so long. I’m glad that we were only displaced by internal problems rather than external. and no problem! I love pushing the story of eve along in any way Yeah. Its too bad they [PIZZA] won’t be in null anymore. Its the het death. Mega blocks only. On the flip side, small gang stuff in low is thriving, but it’s a small comfort to those like me. I suppose I can be satisfied by the finns moving to low and keeping up the content there. They love them their caps.
Stay tuned to TMC we see how the NCdot and PL invasion of Delve continues in the coming weeks.