In Oasa on May 31st at 18:30 in P-ZWKH, Northern Coalition. <NC> caught SOLAR FLEET <SOLAR> engaging Shadow of xXDEATHXx <X.W.X> and Alternate Allegiance <ALTS> over the SOLAR station P-ZWKH VII – Home Sweet NewRingsOrion. The station was taken back by ALTS, and the ISK war was almost a tie between XWX and ALTS and their opponents SOLAR FLEET, with NC. losing barely anything.
The fleet compositions were roughly as follows:
- NC: Proteus fleet, commanded by Lex Arson
- SOLAR: two Revelations, three Moroi, four Naglfars, 16 Archons, 7 Thanatoi, a Barghest, and Machariels
- XWX and ALTS: a Revelation, 3 Moroi, Naglfar, 6 Archons, 2 Chimerae, 4 Thanatoi, 3 Nidhoggurs, a fleet of Dominixes, and a bomber wing
NC only lost 2.1bn ISK, while inflicting most of the 61bn ISK lost by SOLAR, which in turn hit XWX and ALTS for 57.2bn ISK. Notable kills include the 3 dreadnoughts and 15 carriers lost by XWX, and the 4 dreadnoughts and 15 carriers lost by SOLAR.
This conflict is part of an ongoing struggle between ALTS and SOLAR over the control of P-ZWKH as they both vie to fill the void left by Northern Associates. <NA.> dropping sov in the system at the end of April. The station at P-ZWKH VII has changed hands seven times in the last month.
TMC has reached out to ALTS, NC, and XCX diplomats for comment via evemail and will update this article with their responses.
Update: NC Fleet Commander Lex Arson has responded, telling the details of his fleet’s involvement:
we took a WH into perrigen, went 11 jumps, took a bridge onto the battle grid, XWX got a bit excited I think and jumped their caps in wayy too early, lost all their caps I think.
we came in as SOLAR was wiping the last of them off the field, got some good bubbles on caps and started melting through Machariels. eventually they ran all out of machs and it was just the caps tackled. XWX was trying to rally and get some reinforcements in while we started working on triage/dreads. XWX brought another pair of dreads back in while we were slowly killing caps, to help with DPS.
we finished off all their triage and started off on the slowcats. and then they all died. there’s a nice video of it.
also I heard from a birdie that MACTEP has scrapped Machariels as a doctrine for SOLAR after that fight
Update II: Ash Refine, one of ALT’s alliance leaders, explains the context of the fight:
Solar dropped in about 3-4 weeks ago and took P-ZWKH during a sov transfer. We’ve been going back and forth since then. This was the final timer for the station and IHUB. ALT’s FC was Wahyeh Awehali and xXDEATHXx’s was Ncc 1709.
They warped their fleet to the bridge cyno on the pos [the one visible in the video]. So while we fought the other wave flipped the station. We [called in NC], we’ve been coordinating with a few major alliances for ops.
[It was] pretty much, a trap, We didn’t expect them to bring as much as they did but, they’ve been pretty predictable. They’ve always formed for the final timers.
Only thing that I’d add is there were other alliiances involved and help us take the system. The other guys that came out: AL3XAND3R, Spears of Destiny, Phoenix Company Alliance, The Southern Syndicate.
This article originally appeared on, written by Ramon Rakow.