It is 0200. Your broadcast system goes off: “EVERYONE be on in two hours!” Systems load and you find that the enemy had been scouting a control tower that is building capital ships. “Time to save this shit,” you think to yourself…
The Stage
On April 10 in The Bleak Lands system of Kamela, a combined fleet from JMP-N, FETID, and LSH valiantly defended a CSAA-fit control tower. The attackers, Local Is Primary, Wrong Hole., Manifesto, Together We Solo and a few others, swooped in to destroy the ungunned POS once the reinforcement timer expired, leading to a battle costing over 120B ISK.
Eve Online – Capital Fight in Kamela [Fast Edit]
The attackers had placed over 100 pilots in the system of the targeted tower and were ready to pounce. JMP-N fleet commanders knew that dreads were coming, so they arranged for some friendly dreadnoughts to be on standby. On top of the dreads next door, they would place another fleet of dreads within the attacked system to act as bait. The ‘bait dread fleet’ size was similar to what JMP-N normally uses during any engagement, so the attackers were not alarmed.
It Hits the Fan
RF timer is up! In come the attackers’ dreads and battleships. The defenders answered the attack with the fleet of their own dreadnoughts waiting in system. Warping to 0 meters ontop of the enemy fleet, the blap dreads started blasting at sieged behemoths. The defenders simultaneously warped in their armor battleships and logistics into the fray. The attackers, as one JMP-N member stated, “had assumed we deployed dreads too early and they gated a few sniping dreads in…”. When the sniping dreads hit warp, the defending team lit a cyno on grid and brought in the rest of their dreadnought fleet.
Predator Elite, who was leading the subcap fleet for the defending team, maneuvered the subcaps to maintain tackle on the sniping dreads. The attacking fleet, according to JMP-N, did not focus on any subcaps at all, barring a Nestor and a Vindicator.
The attacking dreads fell quickly, but massive amounts of neutralizing Bhaalgorns forced the defending caps to leave the field, while the caps tackled were ordered to fit max tank. Traiori, a member of the defending capital fleet said, “They did a great job of tackling the ones that we had (left)… there was even a moment where my Phoenix got out at 2% structure.. If I’d had any cap at all…”.
Local, Round 2?
Once the attacking fleet was lost, the defenders began looting the field, only to hear just a few minutes later that Local Is Primary & friends were coming back for a second round! This, as Traiori stated, may have happened because they found out that the defenders had no shield triage to repair the POS and wanted to snipe the tower before reps came. “So we went for Round 2. We had enough DPS to ignore their Guardians and started chewing through what seemed like an endless stream of T1 battleships.”, said Traiori.
The Cost
In the end, the defenders were able to bring in the fleet to repair the tower. The attackers lost nearly 84B ISK attempting to destroy the POS, while the defending group lost 30B ISK saving the same tower. Did He Say Jump and their allies won both the strategic objective and the ISK war this round. Many players from both sides are excited for Round 2.
This article originally appeared on, written by Lemba.