Week 48 of World War Bee was the slowest of the war down from week 47, with 14 total hostile actions reported. Delve and its environs were home to most of the action, although new areas of the Galaxy began to see action from the war.
[Editor’s Note: The link for INN’s cumulative battle tracker is here. INN has now hit database issues with Fleetcom.space’s tracker and will attempt to report monthly on total losses.]
There were two battles in week 48 that exceeded 20 billion ISK in cumulative, outside of the 1DQ1-A/T5ZI-S border skirmish battle report. Both were strategic victories for the Imperium, despite each of the fights being relatively even on the battle report.
The three major theaters are the North (Fountain and the border with Aridia and Cloud Ring as well as western Delve), the South (the rest of Delve, Querious, and Period Basis), and the East (Paragon Soul, Catch, Stain, Immensea, and Esoteria).
The North remains relatively quiet from an overall battle perspective, home largely to small gang fights.
Legacy lost a Nyx in Esoteria on Sunday.
Sunday kicked off with another brawl in 3-DMQT, with the Imperium seeing off PAPI’s attack, the defenders destroying 22.98 billion ISK for 20.57 billion in losses. The border skirmish battle report saw the imperium kill 22 billion ISK for 12.5 billion in losses. Monday, the border skirmish was 20.7 billion ISK dead on PAPI’s side for 15.2 billion dead for the Imperium. Tuesday, the Imperium saw off yet another attempt on their home system, destroying 69.3 billion ISK for 31 billion in losses. Wednesday, the border skirmish was down, with the Imperium killing 10 billion ISK for 5.5 billion in losses. Thursday, PAPI were thwarted in 3-DMQT again, losing 12.56 billion ISK for 1.11 billion in kills. The border skirmish had the Imperium killing 15.5 billion ISK for 5.5 billion in losses. Friday, once again the Imperium fought off a cross-constellation attack, killing 10.2 billion ISK for 10.6 billion in losses. The border skirmish battle report showed the Imperium killed 16.5 billion ISK for 12.7 billion in losses. Saturday, the Imperium killed 14.7 billion ISK for 10.3 billion in losses.
Horde lost a Nyx and a Hel, while Legacy lost a Hel this week.