Around downtime today, Pandemic Legion dreadbombed rorquals belonging to Gaara’s Sniper (who donated the original D-W Keepstar after finding a trillion in loose change in his sofa) in Delve. When the dust settled, at least 34 Rorqual wrecks were floating in space. Along those were a Supercarrier, a Carrier, some Hictors and a handful of pods from the defender’s side. The attackers did not get out of this unhurt, as 12 Dreadnoughts, 1 FAX, 18 Battleships and several smaller ships joined them on the space graveyard. The Battle report can be found here (still updating when posting this news piece).
Numbers and values will be updated, but for now, it seems the total will be of 46 Rorquals destroyed. With a reported total over 350 billion isk destroyed and 50 billion isk lost, PL surely won the fight. The Imperium’s response was too slow to save the Rorquals and even fed PL a super kill.
When informed of the attack, one member of Imperium leadership asked, “Did Gaara notice?”