CCP recently released an intriguing chronicle called “Inheritance”. Detailed therein are revelatory insights into Jamyl Sarum, Drifters and the Jove. The story starts out with the awakening of Matshi Raish in his clone, immediately following his death at the hands of Jamyl Sarum. The chronicle jumps between contemplative conversation between Matashi Raish and a Jovian called Vemeil, and flashbacks to the discovery of a “stellar engineering swarm” in the system W477-P. Some of the most popular player theories are either confirmed or flat out debunked by the illuminating and yet deeply troubling discoveries shared between Raish and his Jovian companion.
The entire chronicle is peppered with the seasoning of plot reveal while also maintaining the rabbit hole of continued mystery for which CCP is well known. I am going to attempt to break down some of the reveals in less grandiose terms. The technologies used by the Talocan dwarf those of the Jove. The mere usage of them has caused the stability of reality to stutter. While we already knew that the Isogen-5 quantum criticality event was seriously bad, the conversation in this chronicle implies that Isogen-5 was the tip of the iceberg. In fact a much larger more serious threat to the stability of reality exists and is potentially being utilized by unseen party to ends unknown. One Body – One Mind has been done away with in some of the construct and this has resulted in the formation of dangerous informorphs like The Other over long periods of time. Vemeil indicates that while The Other is a serious threat, there are far more grievous concerns that demand the SoCTs attention. We learn that the Jovian stargates were all destroyed by the effects of the Isogen-5 Incident and that Anoikis is actually not technically “real”. Anoikis was created by the Talocan. Additionally, we get confirmation that the Sansha Nation’s ability to form wormholes is actually just reverse-engineered Jove technology.
Perhaps the most enthralling portion of this chronicle happened at its tail end during a meeting in the highly secured inner circle tribunal of CONCORD in Yulai. The various representatives from the major empires are playing politics, each pushing for their individual agendas when Matshi Raish appears miraculously behind the empty 9th seat at the council table. Immediately, guns are trained on him and explanations demanded for his sudden and inopportune arrival. The tense and politically turbulent discourse that follows climaxes when Matshi Raish authenticates as the Jovian Directorate’s representative. Suspicion and disbelief follows, but falters and ultimately fails as the council comes to accept that The Society of Conscious Thaught are now the inheritors of the seat formerly reserved to the Jove. Matshi Raish takes a comfortable seat and asks for any information the council has on the new Upwell Consortium.
Anoikis might not be real, but EVE is and with the once far flung strands of the grand lore tapesty begining to intertwine I have never been more excited to be part of New Eden. I can only speculate as to how these various over-arching and intersecting plots will affect the next year of EVE Online. I still maintaine that the drifters are using shoes to build their super structers but perhaps this is an uncomfortable truth that is best grappled with at a later date.