In all the kerfuffle over the Tuesday patch and server instability and bugs that have followed, it would be easy to miss something that happened this week.
In a tweet on Feb 19, CCP Quant announced that contracts will be added to the Monthly Economic Report from next month.
@JintaanEVE "CCPlease let us see contracts in market trade value" This will be a part of the MER from now on #tweetfleet Although I don't think it's healthy to further boost goons confidence #justdelvethings
— Ex-CCP Quant (@ccpquant) March 19, 2018
The image in the tweet is the one below:
Those two big bars way ahead on the left of the image are, not unexpectedly, The Forge and Delve.
Less than 2T separates them. The next set of regions are 16T behind Delve. The group is made up of mostly nullsec regions (TEST and GOTG) with Lonetrek making up the lone Empire region there.
Initially, it was unclear whether courier contracts were also included in this data, but CCP Quant has clarified that it is just item exchanges and contracts with an ISK reward.
The value of Delve contracts is equivalent to 360 or so Titans in just one month. It would be interesting to see if the data could be broken down into categories, such as “Fitted Ships” “PLEX” “Bookmarks” to see what makes up the bulk of the contracts in a region.
It would also be interesting to see what The Forge data looks like if the contract scams and questionable contracts are removed. It is not impossible that Delve would actually overtake The Forge if only “real” contracts were included.
One thing is certain, the numbers again illustrate how far ahead Delve is from the rest of the game in terms of economic activity. There is, of course, one caveat (as with all eve data). This data only includes completed contracts, but it includes private as well as public ones. This means that, as with market activity, a determined person with time on their hands could artificially inflate the value for their region, especially in the smaller regions.