Corporate Police Force Incident Report Form 1030A
Case Number: 119.3-5834C Time of Incident: 119.3 1732 UNET
Reporting Officer: Commissioner Issa Kiari Preparing Officer: Commissioner Issa Kiari
Incident Type: Criminal Capsuleer Activity and Termination
Offender Name and Corporate Affiliation: Lee Tempest, Deep Core Mining Inc.
Location: Perimeter; Close proximity to Iyen-Oursta Stargate
Affected Asset(s): Rhea Class Jump Freighter and contents.
Incident Report: At approximately 1726 UNET, Iyen-Oursta traffic control reported the transit of a Rhea Class freighter. Traffic Control noted that the capsuleer pilot of this ship, one Lee Tempest, had committed criminal offenses. Investigation of his record resulted in the discovery of Terminate On Sight status. Informed CPF officers present on Iyen-Oursta Stargate to detain offender while force under my command initiated warp from staging to the stargate. On arrival, the Rhea was immobilized and warp scrambled. On-scene Officers noted the Rhea attempted to activate its jump drive after being scrambled, destination unknown. The Rhea was quickly dispatched and the capsule containing offender left grid shortly after. Offender noted in the local communication channel “Merry Christmas, I’m about to lose 15 billion isk in my jump freighter on the Iyen gate, please have fun looting my wreck”. Other capsules action noted, but no additional criminal behavior observed.
Offender Statement: I was taking part in the clearing of some Customs Offices prior to transiting the gate into Iyen-Oursta. I was unaware that this action had flagged my as Terminate On Sight. The Rhea was carrying goods I intended to sell in order to create some liquidity in my own and some of my associate’s accounts. I attempted to flee the system via the same methods I employ as a safety against possible hostile capsuleer action. When that action failed, I attempted to reapproach the Iyen-Oursta gate and leave system prior to the destruction of the ship. This is a humbling loss that reminds me that nothing in this universe is permanent.
Offender Signature: Lee Tempest Witness Signature: Lieutenant Bella Darring, CPF
Report Status: Filed For Archiving, Available via Public Information Request
Granted Access Requests: Imperium News Network
Author’s Note
The pilot behind Lee Tempest, Valarian Dumonte, provided an excellent account of events that I drew on to write this up. I would like to call specific attention to the following paragraph, as I think it sums up a lot about what makes EVE such a unique game.
I have never lost that much isk before, so I sat and stared at my computer for at least 30 minutes. Its the real loss when things go boom that make Eve Online great. There is no respawning and magically every mistake you make is erased. When your stuff blows up, it’s gone for good.
Not the sort of loss you see every day. Best of luck to Valarian on his future freighting activities.