Shortly before midnight, EVE time on June 7, a massive fight broke out in the low-sec system of Aivonen, lasting for nearly two hours. The battle was sparked when Psychotic Tendencies (TISHU) was informed of some dreadnaughts bashing a tower. Eight TISHU supercapitals, consisting of three Aeons, three Nyxs, and two Hels, plus a small number of supporting sub-capitals, jumped in to destroy the dreadnaughts. The dreadnaughts however would not be alone for long. Around forty-eight capitals, mostly dreadnoughts supported by force auxiliaries and carriers, along with numerous sub-capitals joined the fight. This force was made up of several major powers, including PanFam, Snuffed Out, Mercenary Coalition, and several major Gallente Militia groups. The battle was joined as the ganking forces went to work on the pinned TISHU supercapitals.
The first major ship to go down was the Hel piloted by Vinnie Ethanol of TISHU at 0049, With a second Hel quickly following suit. The attacking forces were very intent on defanging the TISHU supercapitals by destroying their fighters or otherwise neutralising them with ECM Griffons. The TISHU supers took many sub-caps with them, but there was little they could do against the firepower of twenty-eight dreadnoughts. As the number of TISHU supers dwindled, the Imperium formed a Hurricane fleet and arrived just in time to participate in the death of the last two TISHU supers. The Aeon flown by Wew Lass was the last to fall at 0127. TMC writer Lemba provided this video of the action from the point of view of the Snuffed Out dreadnoughts:
The battle was a disaster for TISHU, which lost over 250 billion ISK, mostly from the eight supers destroyed. Only four of the twenty three ships fielded survived the engagement. The attacking forces lost a total of 117 ships worth over 6.4 billion ISK. Arriving late to the battle, Imperium forces lost only three ships worth just over 236 million ISK.
TMC has reached out to various leadership and line members on all sides, and will update this article when comment is received.
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