In The Bleak Lands on July 24 at 0212 EVE in Huola, Scope Works [SWCW], Snuffed Out [B B C], and friends engaged No Points Necessary [CAGE], Local is Primary [CTRLV], Multicultural F1 Brigade [MCF1B], and Habitual Chaos [-HB-] over a CAGE-owned customs office orbiting Huola I. The customs office was destroyed by SWCW but the ISK war was won by CAGE.
SWCW brought a motley jumble of armor-tanked battleships, six dreadnaughts, one triage and one offensive Archon, with Snuffed Out fielding a Proteus fleet. CAGE’s side brought an Archon, a Bhaalgorn, and a cruiser fleet mainly composed of Navy Issue Augurors. CAGE made extensive use of electronic warfare, with energy neturalizers and ECM proving a powerful force multiplier.
The SWCW fleet was led by Anslo, and MCF1B/CTRLV/-HB-/CAGE were led by Sid Afraldir. SWCW and Co. inflicted 4.26b ISK in losses, while CAGE and friends inflicted 6.65b ISK. SWCW and CTRLV both lost an Archon each. Notable non-capital losses include a SWCW Vindicator worth 1.14b ISK, and a CTRLV Vindicator worth 2.19b ISK. The customs office was destroyed after CAGE’s side disengaged.
SWCW’s fleet commander Anslo had this to say:
But no it’s hilarious. They needed like all that to take on 25-27 of us in shit fit BS a few dreads and a busted triage. The snuff fleet we called were old friends from Burn Huola 1.0 that lost half their fleet on their way cause a wh collapsed. They landed and the enemy warpped right out. So on that BR you see 43 of us, but since snuff didnt show til so much later, it was actually about 26 of us versus 50 of them. Welp.
The NC fleet was so far away and was too late anyway (fight was over as they were close) and got turned around before even getting near us. Before the fight, we didn’t even know if we’d have any backup, but they were all there, we were all here, and we aren’t beta bitches. So we went all in (though we shoulda prepared more).
I dunno why they keep talking about salt, but we’re smug as shit that the fight happened at all. They had to alarm clock eu tz and a lot of other groups to have any hope against us. It feels pretty great. We live, we learn, we adapt, we evolve. This kind of pvp is the kind we want to learn more about. Using small numbers effectively. Do we welp? Sure. But we’re getting better. We want to learn to fight like the groups of old lowsec like Ravens’ Nest, Black Wolf Arms, Late Night Alliance, Tempest Legion, and Adversity. We’re not gonna quit cause some nerds talk trash.
Also Scope Works is recruiting. #NOFEAR
MCF1B and co. fleet commander Sid Alfraldir commented:
Good fights were had, we came expecting batphone. Did not expect that much batphone.
Much love to our allies and blues who came out for some fun, would do it all again.
Samira Kernher is the best.
TMC would like to thank Lakshata Chawla of [PY-RE] in the Multicultural F1 Brigade for providing the images in this article.
(Editor’s Note: The author of this story participated in this battle on the Scope Works side as a member of his corporation, Arkonor of the Covenant [ARKOV].)
This article originally appeared on, and was authored by Ramon Rakow.