As of the June 24 all northern allied iHubs, which where installed before the start of the invasion, have been destroyed. The major hubs protecting the last Keepstar as well as the northern end of Tribute fell. This means all iHub upgrades for both mining and ratting have been destroyed and removed.
The removal of all of the iHubs removes the ability to online navigation structures, as well as cyno jammers, giving the invading forces free rein to the entire region.
With this in mind, the final northern staging Keepstar in SH1 is in armor timer and due in early morning Eve time on the 25th, as well as two Sotiyos. There’s no evidence of northern forces planning to contest these timers after the move ops were made public last week.
With Tribute cleared of primary targets focus is shifting more to Vale, which has seen strikes to hit key structures, shutting down operations in the region as the invading forces push further east.
The Imperium could also start destroying the TCUs in Tribute, lowering the flag of NCPL in the region, or allow them to keep it up at the cost of 10m ISK per system per day.