EVE Online
The troubled system of Hakonen continued to burn as the Imperium lost an R64 moon, kicking off our newsweek. The TiDi-heavy battle caused over 260B ISK in losses, which while a respectable figure in its own right, pales compared to earlier engagements and the total destruction over the last few months.
Following on from his discussion on character versus player experience, Roland Cassidy kicked off his currently three-part series: I, Newbie. In it, he describes the experience of joining New Eden as a new character open to all opportunities. Just because an experienced player was writing this doesn’t mean that stories like this don’t happen all the time! Part two and three are up. Keep your eyes peeled for the conclusion!
It wouldn’t be a proper EVE news week without a titan blowing up; this week was no exception, as an Erebus was shot down thanks to the combined efforts of several lowsec groups.
EVE: Gunjack is making the jump from the Samsung Gear VR platform to a PC VR headset near you. While Gunjack’s period of exclusivity has been brief, there is no word yet on whether Valkyrie will be supported on the Vive headset.
EVE bureau chief Matterall went over a pair of subjects close to the playerbase’s heart: the state of the metagame, and CCP’s test of the upcoming citadel structures. With this test, the (provisional) production requirements for the new player-built facilities have become available. Players also got a taste of citadel weaponry…Along with a front-row seat to their awesome destruction effects.
Ships of Sea and Space
Did you pick up XCOM 2, but find the multiplayer problematic on release? We’ve got good news! A major patch has been released that addresses many of the multiplayer woes. If you own the game’s season pass, or have a hankering for more customisation options, the game’s first piece of DLC is now out.
TMC’s video guru Porkbutte posted some history of the Nürnberg-class cruiser, along with analysis of its performance in World of Warships. Even if you’re not a player of Wargaming’s naval combat offering, this piece of history is interesting enough on its own merits.
Lastly, Paradox announced a release date for its upcoming and highly-anticipated sci-fi 4X game Stellaris. Mark May 9 on your calendars. We certainly have, and we look forward to bringing you more news on the game as its release draws closer!
This article originally appeared on TheMittani.com, written by Ryan Vincent.