Paradox Interactive have provided the world with the first look at the complete feature set for Stellaris’s first major expansion, Utopia. Paired with the version 1.5 Banks update, Utopia adds new items to the bag of empire-building tricks available to spread your species across the stars.
The video above is from the point of view on a planet who’s star is being encased in a Dyson Sphere. These are one of several Mega Structures that are becoming capstone construction projects as well as major boost to various types of income. Other options for colonizing will also be possible with the introduction of Habitat Stations. These orbital structures can house units of population, enabling even hemmed in empires to continue to grow without having to resort to conquest.
Ways to expand your empire are not just limited to building structures among the stars. With Utopia comes new mechanics for managing the people of your empire. From perks the help your spread across the cosmos to immigration reforms and species-specific rights, more options are available to chose from.
Utopia will bring with it various improvements under version 1.5. Unfortunately there is no release date mentioned in the announcement. Paradox’s announcement page is here, with a forum discussion thread here. Handy links to all the Developer Diaries for both the Banks Update and Utopia can be found here.