The latest story pack for Paradox’s Stellaris has arrived. Titled Synthetic Dawn, the new content allows players to take the helm of a race comprised of artificial life forms. Become the Silicon Caretaker for the biological life of the galaxy, or stamp it all out under the power of your artificial superiority. New events, portraits, traits and other items round out the experience. The player is not the only one for which changes have come. The AI can now command something it might aspire to be, from caretaker to dominator. You might even encounter a Fallen Synthetic Empire, who may awake and offer help or resistance to your plans. Synthetic Dawn is accompanied by the 1.8 Čapek patch, which makes drastic changes to ship balance, adds new government options, and a host of other changes. The new story pack is available here, and the full patch notes for Čapek are available here.
Robby Kasparic
Gooniversity head and KarmaFleet pilot. Naval History enthusiast. Irrational love of battleships. Long live the Hyperion.
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