CCP Phantom announced in a news article today that there will be a Project Discovery developer live-stream on CCP Twitch at 1730 UTC July 12.
There have been some teething troubles with the new exoplanet search Project Discovery, which led to CCP tweaking it today during downtime. The player base has been very interested in the new Project Discovery. The rewards are things that people seem more interested in this time around, and space is an area that is of interest to Eve players generally. Searching for exoplanets is also something easier to relate to than the finer points of cell biology.
There has been a Reddit thread from INN streamer Chiimera asking whether he should ask research astronomers to come to try out Project Discovery on his stream. He has also been streaming Project Discovery on INN Twitch, and you can see the VOD here.
If you want to get more background on Project Discovery, what it is all about, and how it is meant to work, head over to CCP Twitch at 1730 UTC and ask some questions in chat.