Good afternoon and welcome to our coverage of the final timer of the Blood Raider Sotiyo Sotiyo in Z-M5A1 in Period Basis.
The Sotiyo was reinforced yesterday by Dream Fleet using a Nyx, 2 Hels and a Vendetta.
If you want to watch live, head over to INN Twitch where Shandragon is providing commentary and singing.
For those of you just waking up, or in the middle of the workday, I will try to keep you as updated on what, if anything, happens.
As of now, we have around 15 mins to go, there are around 90 in local Pandemic Horde have just turned up in the system in a fleet of interceptors and T1 frigates.
We will keep you updated as events unfold, but it is likely to be quiet for the next 15 minutes or so. All times are, as always, in UTC.
1227: 112 people in local, some TEST have also turned up
1230: The Sotiyo is now repairing, Blood Raider NPCs have undocked from the Sotiyo, PH have warped off grid
1235 TEST are now on grid, 12 minutes on repair timer, so far no one is attacking the Sotiyo
1240 165 in local, but, it looks like this could be a non-thing, 5 minutes on timer
1245 The Sotiyo Repaired, Dream Fleet (or anyone else) were no-shows, and TEST/PH just lurked on grid in interceptors. Now it is back to being vulnerable until someone decides to reinforce it again.
The locals may decide to reinforce it again, and hope to not get noticed by streamers, or it may be left alone until it despawns. We will, as always, keep you updated on any developments as they happen. Thanks to Shandragon as well, for keeping us entertained during the timer.