Improved UI for better content
CCP Claymore released a new dev post from team “Psycho Sisters” targeted at changes for the upcoming Lifeblood release. Today’s post focused on the Agency interface and how to make it more useful and interesting.
Prior to this change, the existing version of the Agency interface is just for tracking live event info and such. Now a number of other line items are being added to the information available via the Agency window. Nearby agents and epic arcs are being added as are resource locations (mining belts, the new contested resource sites, and system anomalies).
The stated goal is to make gathering local and regional activity data quicker and easier. Thus, at a glance, a player can look and see what is around them that they can go take part in. There are several things that have been specifically exempted, however. Specifically, Incursions, escalations and faction warfare will not be part of the new interface.
Not having escalations totally makes sense. That would be free intel to anyone who is seeking to hunt those players who run them. Incursions I can almost understand in the same regard, but really Incursions are such a large scale and known quantity that if you don’t know how to engage and hunt those folks who run them, well you are just not trying very hard.
It’s the lack of faction warfare that I can’t really make sense of. Admittedly I have never done any faction warfare so I haven’t the foggiest as to how it would fit into this UI. But from my reading, the interface would say “Hey, over there is space with nodes to orbit for LP.” I don’t see the harm or gain from having that included. I am sure the comments section will educate me if I am off base here.
The new interface is live on SISI for folks to work with (and break). The window can be reached via a UI button or ALT-M. Overall the screen captures are pretty and the notion of making content easier to find and utilize is never a bad one.