Following yesterday’s live announcement on Twitch, today saw the official release of results from this year’s CSM elections. In a change from past years, the CSM was elected later on in the year, allowing representatives an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the process before major meetings which happen early each calendar year. This year’s CSM saw 7 out of 10 candidates from the Imperium’s ballot elected.
This year 29226 successful votes were counted, representing a discrepancy between the total number of votes cast announced yesterday resulting from 190 votes cast for a disqualified candidate and nobody else. Because there were no other people selected in those votes, they were wasted. Additionally, one player managed to vote only for someone not on the ballot, and this vote was also canceled. Players interested in looking deeper into the ballots can do so by downloading the data linked in the announcement.
A full half of the 13th CSM are members of the Imperium, and so are well poised to represent the best interests of Eve Online players in the coming year. Returning to the CSM this year for the Imperium are Aryth, Innominate, and The Judge. They are joined by Merkelchen of Goonswarm Federation’s KarmaFleet and Brisc Rubal of The Initiative. New members of the CSM often must spend their first term learning how the CSM operates, and so the Imperium is fortunate to have a healthy mix of veteran and novice representatives to best promote the interests of Eve’s players.
In addition to the Imperium representatives, Jin’Taan and Steve Ronuken are also returning for CSM 13. These are experienced representatives, with Steve Ronuken as the longest serving current member the CSM. Because of their experience and demonstrable benefit to the CSM as a whole, these returning members had earned an endorsement from the Imperium.
In addition to the Imperium-endorsed candidates, voters also elected three others to CSM13: Sort Dragon, Killah Bee, and Suitonia. Sort Dragon, executor of DARKNESSdot and leader of Guardians of the Galaxy, is returning to the CSM yet again. He served on CSM 10 and again on CSM 12. According to CCP’s announcement graphics, Killah Bee is a member of an alliance called the “Norhtern Coalitiondot.” It’s unclear at this point what this alliance does or what their relation to NCdot is. Finally, Suitonia is a former member of Goonswarm Federation, and it is assumed he was re-elected based on this recognition. His presence on the CSM should ease the mind of anyone concerned about the welfare of small-gang PvP.
GoonWaffe was also surprised to learn from the CCP announcement stream that returning representative Innominate was apparently still a member. Asked for comment on whether Innominate was actually a member of GoonWaffe or KarmaFleet, GoonWaffe representatives replied “oh, I’m sorry, do I have to log in to check that? Haven’t done that in a while.”
The Mittani himself weighed in on the excellent electoral performance of Imperium-endorsed candidates, releasing the following statement via Twitter:
I'd like to congratulate Goonswarm Federation and the Imperium for proving – yet again – that we are the single greatest force for democracy in the history of #eveonline. My warmest regards to #CSM13~ #tweetfleet
— The Mittani (@TheMittani) June 14, 2018