It is with great excitement and an overwhelming sense of relief that the Imperium News Guides team for Eve Online announces the release of our first guide: Eve Online – A Guide to Mining. It has been the work of several months, from the initial writing, through art, development, and to the final editing – we are proud to present to the Eve community the work of our hands and minds. We hope that the Eve community enjoys it as much as we have enjoyed making it.
The stories that can be told about the making of the guide are numerous, and at times, amusing. As part of writing the section on highsec mining, a group of writers and photographers went and acquired pictures of highsec miners exploding to gankers by the expeditious method of doing the ganking ourselves. We managed to take quite a few excellent pictures both of exploding miners and exploding gankers—Hello CONCORD! One writer even made a 400+ jump round-trip through New Eden to confirm what truesec different ore variants spawn in.
The INN Mining Guide is a resource useful to both new players (and especially the Imperium’s newbees) and experienced players alike. We have included information on the mechanics of mining, from ships and fittings to skill plans and how to stay safe in different environments. For people who enjoy math, the section on refining should help you get the most minerals out of your ore. The sections on highsec mining should be particularly useful and informative to highsec miners as it contains detailed information on how to avoid being ganked that was written by some of the people who do the ganking. Learn what they consider “easy pickings” and how to appear unappealing for gankers.
People interested in nullsec mining can learn about the differences in mining in each region of space, from highsec to nullsec, as well as how to stay safe. There are advanced sections on how sovereignty mechanics impact mining, as well as the unique aspects of mining with regards to Rorquals. There is something here for everyone.
Beyond this guide, the INN team is hard at work documenting other aspects of EVE Online. One of our upcoming guides focuses on production, from Tech 1 through Tech 2 and 3, to such topics as both moon reactions and drug reactions, the production guide will aid both budding and experienced industrialists in their pursuit of greater things (and more ISK). We are proud to also be covering diverse topics such as planetary interaction, exploration, and ratting for PVE, all with the same depth and expert knowledge delivered in our mining guide. Other guides will eventually branch out into PVP subjects like basic fleet maneuvers and mechanics, logistics, and boosting.
The guide team would like to extend thanks to all of the people who has assisted in the production of this guide. Every last person on the team has channelled their passion to make the best possible reference material for New Eden’s industrialists, and we’re not stopping there.
If you share our passion and are a subject matter expert in any of the above areas, or a person gifted in the sort of technical writing required for making guides, we want you on our team. Should you be interested in joining us, please use the contact form and drop us a note.
Editors Note: If you wish to see all the pictures taken for use in the guide, check out Rose Knightley on Flickr.