At 18:30 EVE time in the Vale of the Silent system of 2DWM-2, Imperium forces fought a pitched battler against Voltron alliances. At stake was a Get Off My Lawn Supercapital Ship Assembly Array in the system. Over 2000 pilots collided in this massive fight that brought the unreinforced node to 10% TiDi. When it was over, the Imperium had lost the objective and isk war. The destruction totaled 112.36 billion ISK, 100.98b taken by the Imperium.
Voltron deployed two large strike teams that made their way to assault the tower. The first team, Northern Coalition./The-Culture/friends armor T3 fleet FCd by Ajax33, combined with a TEST bomber fleet led by former Imperium FC Vily. The second strike team, a Pandemic Legion/Psychotic Tendencies/friends Rattlesnake fleet, was commanded by KillahBee, and combined with a Pandemic Horde armor ECM Scorpion fleet. Assorted allies came in other fleets and doctrines to round out the Voltron coalition. Waiting for their call, PL’s supercapital fleet. A total of 1,150 pilots made their way deep into Imperium territory.
Imperial forces were expecting this fight and pinged most of the day. This was a priority defense. Hundreds pour into fleets, consisting of a Machariel fleet led by Asher Elias, a Circle-Of-Two Machariel fleet, and a Fidelas Constans/RAZOR Alliance/The Bastion Cerberus fleet. Their numbers were only half that of Voltron’s, reaching 660. The Imperium usually outnumbers opponents, but this time they were facing more than 20 alliances.
The Voltron fleets arrived in system well before the Imperium, and immediately knocked out a cynojammer. This strategic move opened the system to PL’s heavy DPS supercapital fleet. As the reinforce timer for Lawn’s POS ticked away, Voltron forces began defanging it. Once the timer ended, the POS was vulnerable and immediately attacked. Voltron ripped through the POS shields and were deep into armor before the Imperium forces arrived to stop them.
At the start, things were looking even. Massive DPS from the Voltron side competed with alpha strike from the Imperial forces. The Bastion/Lawn fleet moved into close range, prompting Pandemic Legion to drop their supercapital fleet. At this most inopportune moment, a newer player in the Imperial forces hit their micro jump field generator and split the fleet in half, necessitating a warpoff to regroup. In the massive TiDi, the process of warping off and coming back in took around thirteen minutes, setting the Imperium back even more as over 100 bombers from TEST and other allies pounded the beleaguered Angel battleships. The fight going downhill, the Circle-Of-Two Machariel fleet was ordered to self destruct their ships in a laying down of arms, and the rest of the Imperial forces pulled out, leaving the tower to its fate.
TMC would like to thank raknor bile, Sebastien Saintfrusquin, MtnDo Me, and Asher Elias for their contributions to this article.
Another BR appears to have more complete information from the same source: