In latest of a recent string of ambushes on low and nullsec hunting groups, an Ivana Trading Federation Federation Titan and tackle Rorqual have been destroyed in the system of Tabbetzur, along with a small contingent of supporting capitals.
It is believed that a Hel was used as bait to lure the hunters into a trap, where forces primarily of COASTAL BROTHERHOOD descended on the Ragnarok and its support capitals. COASTAL BROTHERHOOD, a small alliance residing in the northeast of Great Wildlands, previously has had little activity on this scale. The alliance is known for their Sabre-headed gate camps and ambushes of ships travelling through the N-RAEL transit system, a common hub for sub capitals heading towards the Southeast of New Eden from the Jita trade centre.
This was a surprising move from the Brotherhood, and with the annihilation of numerous supercapitals of the nearby hunting alliance Nullsechnaya Sholupen still fresh in the minds of capsuleers, it may perhaps simply be one of many more to come.
The full total of destruction is noted at just over 100 billion ISK, and can be viewed here.