In our latest H1Z1 How-To series, Laz is will take you through the details on the different types of weapons in H1Z1, and how to use them most effectively.
The H1Z1 AR15 guide is the first video in this series. Laz will show you how to best use the AR15 in long-range, medium-range and close-range situations.
He also offers H1Z1 shooting tips, going over fire discipline, how to use the reticle to account for bullet drop, and how many shots it will take to eliminate your opponent.
If you want to get the most out of your AR15 in the world of H1Z1, you can watch the whole video embedded above, or on TheMittaniTV YouTube channel. Stay tuned for more H1Z1 weapon guide videos from Laz.
This article originally appeared on, written by Sabrina.