YULAI – AUGUST 26: A botting Avatar Titan was killed in Yulai, a High Sec system. The justice handed out on Monday was a treat, and on the closing day, we (this time I was in system) dealt even more justice to the “illegal Rogue Drone Automation Technology utilizers”. In a similar fashion to way the week started, it ended with an even larger boom. Literally: Elephantine Palindrome’s exploding Avatar took five of the massed capsuleers with his ill-gotten ship’s death throes.
19:29 9.38m | AleksStark (Heron) Stark Logistic Services | ||
19:29 3.70m | Stalker Jensen (Catalyst) The Bastion | ||
19:29 130.17m | Raguel Barachiel (Tornado) Perkone | ||
19:29 355.10m | General Kilgore1 (Falcon) Nocturnal Reconnaissance and Manufacturing | ||
19:29 6.25m | Magnus Astradus (Tayra) New Eden Terraform Alliance |
Whack-a-Bot Second Round
GM STARDUST started on GM Week day four blog dropping hints that capsuleers would have a second bite at a bundle of botters. Just over 100 pilots had massed when CCP Peligo confirmed Yulai would be the site for more testing of the new Cynosural Projection technology functionality by Directive Enforcement Department.
Over the next 20 minutes, local doubled, and Imperator Zed summed up the mood perfectly by likening the crowd to medieval peasants at a witch burning. This got a good number of cheers. The part that had me smiling the most was the very random collection of ship (peasants). While dozens of industrials milled about in hope of scoring some sweet loot, it was the mining barges that highlighted the spread of ships attending.
This is not a publicity stunt. We are committed to a bot-free New Eden. We are going to be increasing our cooperation with CONCORD and we will spare no resource in this effort.
-CCP Peligro [18:30:39]
Like a cyno being lit, CCP Twitch stream went live, and local ballooned. Yulai was host to more than 730 pilots and even hit TiDi (94%) at one point during the graphic roasting. Short of an hour later Odo Korachi thanked the amassed High Sec experiment cleanup crew, “Well ladies and gents, thanks once again for taking part in testing.”
Yulai Botter’s Graveyard
Avatar 78.38b ISK | Hel 20.50b ISK | Hel 20.20b ISK | Hel 20.00b ISK | Nyx 19.93b ISK | Capsule 10.12b ISK |
Elephantine Palindrome’s titan was crown of the GM Week, and the last of the experiment candidates to be dropping in Yulai. Post Whack-a-Bot, local began to express concern that this pilot had been allowed to continue the whole week, while others simply enjoyed the fact they were on a titan killmail.
Closing Notes
Take it easy pilots, and remember – if you see any of these scumbags, be sure to report them. – Odo Korachi [19:44:16]
It remains unclear whether the closing remarks were the GMs leaving a reminder to report botting, or poking fun at themselves because CCP had forgotten to ban the account from the first round of botter clean up.