Freshly returned to leading Minitru, Samahiel has announced the first of hopefully many Minitru photoshop contests. This one was inspired by his time at Vegas, and a picture of Karmafleets very own velvet-voiced leader, Merkelchen.
The competition was run on the forums and was an opportunity for goons to show off their photoshop skills. The results were impressive given the short time frame, and choosing a winner was difficult. All the entries that made it in time can be found here.
After much discussion, winners were finally chosen, with the top 3 taking home 500 plex each, and the winner receiving a t-shirt with their art on it, in reverse order, the winners are:
Tied for 2nd place – Absolutis and Anna niedostepny
And in first place:
Juvenius Drakonius – who wins a t-shirt with this image on it.
Samahiel would like to thank everyone who took part and remind people to keep an eye on the propaganda sub-forum for the next contest.