A large battle has broken out in M2-XFE, with over 5,000 combatants involved. PAPI forces are trying to break through the armor timer on an Imperium KS, while Goons work to defend it. You may watch the battle on INN’s Twitch page here. Refresh this page frequently, as we are updating this story live during the fight.
Currently there are 706 titans, 500 supers, 600 Faxes, and a mixed bag of other ships on grid. This is the first battle where each side has truly unleashed their titans.
A cynojammer has come online, so no more titans are expected, though the cynojammer situation is very fluid. But, this is the fight many have been expecting.

The first titan has fallen, a titan with the ironic name, Titanic Death, an NC dot pilot. INN will keep you updated as news continues to happen. We expect many titans to fall during this battle, which could go on for many hours. At last report, the KS was at 80% armor.
The Christmas Truce has ended in a memorable way. Pilots on both sides were expecting some action to take place in between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
As Brisc Rubal noted on Twitch, “the Imperium has thousands of supers and titans, PAPI has thousands, but we have not seen significant titans facing off on both sides.” At 12:10 a.m. UTC on Dec. 31, we got the first massive blast of titan doomsday (DD) weapons. The coordinated blast looked like slow-motion streaks of lasers, aimed at the PAPI blob.
At 12:26 a.m. UTC, Imperium had destroyed seven PAPI titans. Some Imperium titans also downed, in a large DD blast by PAPI. According to The Mittani, this is the largest titan battle in the history of EVE Online.
Update at 12:45 a.m. UTC. Cynojammer is up again. Therefore, no titans will be coming in via a cyno. Other ships are coming in, however, through gates and the grid shows movement on both sides. Brisc Rubal, INN streamer, had his titan destroyed at 12:47 UTC.
While the battle may end up being a turning point in the war, the strategic objective (the KS) is of almost no importance to either side. Rather, as Rubal noted, “This is the fight both sides have been waiting for. At this point, we haven’t seen any evidence that either side is leaving.”