The top-selling title for the Samsung Gear VR platform is coming to PC on March 28. EVE: Gunjack launched for Gear VR in November 2015 and has remained the top VR title on the platform ever since. When the first Oculus Rift orders ship on March 28, Gunjack will be available for play on that platform. However, while the first HTC Vive orders will ship on April 5, Gunjack won’t support the Vive until “later in 2016.”
EVE: Gunjack is a first-person arcade shooter designed for virtual reality headsets. You play the part of a turret operator—a gunjack—who is trying to protect a mining barge operating in the Outer Ring region of New Eden. There aren’t many levels in Gunjack, although there are rumours of level expansion packs in the works. Gunjack is meant to be a game you can just “pick up and play” for short periods of time; The controls are limited to a reload function, a weapon selection function, and two fire modes. Your turret points where you are looking, so this game requires a lot of head movement.
The PC version of EVE: Gunjack includes enhanced audio, and higher-resolution graphics, along with vastly improved textures, models, and effects. It also includes achievements, leaderboards, and other gameplay improvements.
The other VR title from CCP Games, EVE: Valkyrie, also ships on March 28 as part of the Oculus Rift pre-order bundle. CCP has yet to announce plans to port Valkyrie to any other VR platform. BothGunjack and Valkyrie use Unreal 4, which comes with support for several VR headsets. Technically it is feasible for Valkyrie to support the HTC Vive. However, Valkyrie is an exclusive launch title for the Oculus Rift, and CCP may be legally bound to delay support for competing VR platforms. Neither company have stated details about their exclusivity agreement.
The PC version of Gunjack will be available for $9.99 through the Oculus Store. When HTC Vive support is added later this year, the title will likely be available on Steam, but this hasn’t been officially announced yet.