CCP has announced via a dev blog that the EVE Gate website will be permanently closing Wednesday due to a “serious vulnerability.”
EVE Gate allows players to access EVE Mail and look up pilot and corporation application out of the game. Prior to the introduction of the new forums, it was deeply integrated with the forums and other EVE web services. But the service has been largely abandoned by CCP for some time, and was plagued with problems, including slow performance. The sudden shutdown will leave a significant number of users without a way to access EVE Mail from out of game, as acknowledged in the blog:
“This will of course mean that the web based EVEmail access that EVE Gate provides will also be retired on Wednesday, however we are investigating alternative solutions for providing EVEmail access outside the EVE Online client, as we’re aware of how important this access is to the Community.”
For the moment, this means that the EVE Portal mobile application will be the only way to send EVEmail from outside the game. CCP mentioned that it is looking to improve the application and fix issues going forward, and we will hopefully see other alternatives in the future.
UPDATE: CSM Member Steve Ronuken has posted a thread for an alternative method, a javascript evemail client, at
UPDATE II: CCP Falcon has posted an additional thread for players experiencing issues with the EVE Portal app.