It has been a busy week for Dreadbomb., the growing alliance that has been causing huge problems for former PAPI members on their extraction, whilst also brawling with NSH in lowsec. As the pilots continue their evacuation from Delve, their Keepstar chain runs through space now controlled by Dreadbomb (DB). As ships jump towards the TEST Keepstar in U-QVWD, a number of ships have taken a wrong turn and ended up in UQ-PWD, where DB have been camping a bait beacon. The results have been disastrous.
Lowsec Escalates Again
In addition to their harassment of PAPI’s evac, Dreadbomb joined Dock Workers in an ambush against NullSechnaya Sholupen (NSH) this week on August 11 in Schoorasana, Sinq Laison. The battle saw Dreadbomb and Dock Workers win the ISK war 300bn killed to 63bn. The fight also saw the first ever kill of a Dagon, the Blood Raiders Force Auxillary. This FAX, which is really a specialist capital-neutralizing platform, was revealed to be a DW alt in a non-blue corporation and was killed by Dreadbomb. Therefore, the first death of this ship type was actually an unintentional blue-on-blue.
NSH have been flexing their muscles in Sinq Laison and Bleak Lands for the past few weeks, building on their strengthened USTZ following the highly publicized move of two key corporations from Northern Coalition. However, with only 40 Dreads and 32 Carriers on the field, NSH were heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Dreadbomb and Dock Workers caught NSH by surprise, dropping 97 Dreads and a titan, plus a sizeable Machariel fleet – the fight was over in 20-minutes.
A New Regional Power?
Dreadbomb has greatly increased their territory over the past few months, despite their alignment towards TEST and Legacy. They contributed to the burning of Catch at the expense of BRAVE and have expanded, now controlling systems in Catch, Immensea, Tenerifis, as well as their home of Providence. Dreadbomb is now the 5th largest sov-owning alliance in the game.
Using this increase in power to their advantage, Dreadbomb. and their friends from Deepwater Hooligans have established a bait beacon in the system of UQ-PWD. As PAPI alliances continued their evacuation north, they stop in the Providence system of FSW-3C, with the next planned stop being the TEST Keepstar in U-QVWD. The simple error of mistaking UQ- for U-Q has cost PAPI over 450bn in losses thus far. At this time, their losses include: a Ragnarok, two Hels, six Rorquals (including this beauty – Loot Fairy says yes), six Thanatos, five Revelations, three Naglfars, three Nidhoggurs, two Lif, two Moros, an Apostle, a Chimera and a 33bn Ark. With most of these ships used as suitcases, other subcaps dropped from the wrecks. These were dispatched in short order.
Chaos is a ladder
The power vacuum left by the end of the Legacy Coalition has opened the doors for many medium-sized groups to expand. It is uncertain whether DB leader Seddow will maintain his relationship with TEST in the post-Beeitnam War environment. However, at present Dreadbomb – the leading alliance in Rekking Crew – has stepped in to fill these gaps. Catch; previously the home of BRAVE, is now occupied by a combination of Dracarys, the CNTZ Imperium-aligned alliance, DB, and Against All Authorities. Immensea is controlled by DB, with Deepwater Hooligans and XIX holding constellations. Esoteria is now under the jurisdiction of the newly minted Pan-Intergalactic Business Community. “we’ll go where ever we can get content. Which is possible since we have some really good pilots, FC’s and support” said Vas Deferens, Head General Director of Diplomacy. It is understood that Rekking Crew will ally themselves with PIBC, with AoM and with Evictus, breaking ties with FI.RE.
To quote the Game of Thrones character Litterfinger, “Chaos isn’t a pit; chaos is a ladder.” With the Imperium’s torching of Legacy’s home region, followed by the TEST-led coalition’s spectacular collapse in the past week, we see huge potential for new superpowers to emerge from the ashes. “The end of the war has completely reinvigorated our members’ desire to play,” Vas Deferens continued. “As before, we were struggling to find any scraps of content, as everyone was for the most part fixated on Delve. As the map is shaking up, we watch from the beacon, waiting to see where everyone settles. And from there we can really make more concrete plans for the future.”