CO2 has just held an alliance meeting, led by Gigx, in which they discussed the situation after TheJudge transferred the CO2 Keepstar to Goonswarm, and other citadels to TEST.
Gigx opened by confirming that the Keepstar and a number of other citadels had been transferred, as well as the Balkan Mafia corporation wallet and assets, including the Alliance SRP funds.
Gigx said he tried to convo TheJudge, but he was blocked, and that he said some things that he regrets, as he was so angry by losing everything he had built for 14 years.
He says TheJudge played the game the way he wanted, and he won. He is angry about TheJudge streaming the alliance chat, showing people being worried and scared by what was happening.
All the things that were lost can be replaced, but it is really hard to have a member in leadership who does this. CO2 will continue playing; the same thing happened to BoB. CO2 Is not the first to go through this, and the game is not over.
Gigx confirms he is permanently banned and also has an IP ban, (the ban mail has since appeared on reddit) and he is sending petitions. He says that he will need help from members that still support the alliance, as bans have been lifted after a lot of petitions were received.
He says he made a mistake in trusting the wrong guy, and alliance members have got hurt. He wants the alliance to continue and hopes that CCP reverses or reduce his ban. The alliance is finished without him, so hopefully, he gets unbanned.
Moving on, Impass is over, all assets are stuck. All they can do is asset safety in 20 days to lowsec stations with a 15% fee. Bluehogs can help members move from CO2 held citadels. Implants that were in the citadels where access has been revoked are lost, but, everything can be replaced.
He is asked if he will make a new char if his ban is not revoked. This isn’t possible because of the IP ban, and while he can still be in comms, this is not leading an alliance.
Alliance leaders ask for petitions to start from members to get the ban revoked, to have “Mass fucking spam to get Gigx unbanned.” Gigx says not to just mass spam, or they will reject them.
Gigx says Triumvirate will help with some things, but he thinks CO2 will move to lowsec, or to non-sov nullsec. He will work with CEOs to make sure things continue for the next 20 days (while waiting for assets safety).
Alliance leaders say that there are a lot of questions about contingency plans and that these are valid questions, but they do not have any answers yet. Their focus now is on getting Gigx unbanned.
The alliance will be in limbo over the next 3 days, with people are nervous about the predicament. Members should try not to freak out, and leaders are trying to sort things out. Members should make sure they don’t get scammed from people offering to help.
CO2 citadels remain open to members, but the Impass Keepstar is bubbled and not safe for members to undock from. This can be seen from the screenshot below, from our earlier article.
There will be a template for members to base their petitions on. Members are encouraged to stress in the petitions that the ban on Gigx is affecting a lot of players. They should also say that he acted in the heat of the moment, and many people would respond like that. They are told to not put in more than one petition per account. Alliance leadership say PL and NC. are behind Gigx and support his position too.
Members are recommended to delete APIs by Alliance leaders, but Gigx says there are more important things to do than remaking APIs so that members don’t lose access to services. They will also be making a new discord, as TheJudge was an administrator of their discord, and they cannot remove his roles.
Alliance leaders emphasise that TheJudge hurt members the most and that Gigx has done a heroic job turning up and still being around.
The meeting closes with more calls for everyone to open petitions, and a restating of Gigx acting in the heat of the moment, and mostly being a nice guy.
Gigx has some final words about corporations who want to leave, that they should just inform him that they are leaving, and they have plenty of time to move their things. The door is open for them if they want to return, so just don’t scam on the way out. CO2 will rebuild and be back stronger, so don’t burn bridges.
After the meeting, KillahBee joins the channel and is introduced as “The guy who kicked us from Tribute”.
The soundcloud can be found here, and at the top of the article.