Bah weep Graaaagnah wheep ni ni bong.
EVE Anywhere Enters Beta
If you are in the USA, you can try out the EVE Anywhere Beta. We suppose EVE Anywhere will actually be available anywhere – at least with an internet connection – soon. EVE Anywhere is a browser-based version of EVE Online, supporting 1080p resolution at 60FPS, and requires no downloading. CCP hopes that this new way of accessing EVE will bring the game to more people by reducing the startup requirements to get involved. Speaking of getting involved, give it a test if you are in the US, so this cool new way of accessing EVE can get rolled out to more people faster. INN will have a story regarding GeForce Now’s similar streaming of EVE later this week.
New Sisters of EVE ship models from Mixed Dimensions
If you haven’t seen the Mixed Dimensions ship models, you should really check them out. They are high quality replicas of EVE ships for your desk, or to wave around in your hands while going “zoom, zoom, pew, pew” (which is what I would personally do with them). The Astero, Stratios, and Nestor are now available, joining many other ships already for sale. Check them out!
EVE Online Partnership Program Updates
Apparently, the EVE Partnership program – introduced back in November – has been a rousing success, as CCP is pushing forward with expanding the program. The program rewards Capsuleers who contribute to EVE with SKINs, Omega time, and PLEX. The news update also contains a list of the more than 90 partners CCP has already brought on board, and breaks them down by type. Personally, I think the entire section of 3rd Party Applications is particularly interesting, as it brings a list of useful EVE tools into one location.
EVE News – Website Update
CCP is rearranging the EVE News page, which will, I hope, make my job and yours a little easier when it comes to staying informed. Content will now have tags applied, which will let you search for information you find most useful. There will also be an archive, and a “Future Updates” tag that replaced the old EVE Updates section of the website. Items like patch notes will also be included.
Abyssal Proving Grounds – 1v1 Interceptors
For the speed freaks out there who didn’t miss this (since as usual this update will go to print about the time the event ends), Abyssal Proving Grounds has a 1v1 Interceptor event. Additionally, pilots will be given a 100% ship velocity bonus, just in case flying around at 9 billion kilometers per hour firing your lasers wasn’t fast enough for you. Good luck hitting your targets while flying around like stimulated jack rabbits.
What Ships are Built For – Fleet Formation Stream with Bjorn Bee
CCPTV hosted fleet commander and streamer Bjorn Bee on March 12th for a fleet stream, showcasing the new Fleet Formation mechanics. Check out the VOD, and skip to the 1-hour mark for an awesome fight.
Federal Police SKINs Return
The ever popular Federal Police SKINs are back in the New Eden Store until March 23rd at 11:00 UTC. In addition to the original set, the SKINs are now available for the Dominix, Dominix Navy Issue, Thanatos, and Vexor Navy Issue. Make sure to grab’em before they’re gone.
Federation Grand Prix
If you like racing, this event is for you! In addition to daily login rewards of the usual kind, the event involves racing from the Luminair system to various landmark locations throughout the cluster. Arrive within the time limit to earn rewards. In addition to the old landmarks, which you may have already seen, several new ones have been added, which I won’t spoil here.
Expert Systems – Now Live
The Expert Systems system has dropped into the game, allowing capsuleers to purchase early access to basic skins from the New Eden Store. They work like accelerators (you don’t lose them on death), and grant temporary access to a range of skills that unlock some basic ships and skills, such as mining barges and the “Magic 14.”
Fleet Formations – Now Live
In addition to the above Expert Systems, the Fleet Formations update is now live, which gives fleet commanders access to a variety of warp formations – Point (the old one), Sphere, Arrow, Wall, and Plane. There is also a “Relative” formation option that takes the position of ships around the Fleet Commander, and warps them while maintaining the same relative positions at the destination.
Are You Not Entertained?
Uh-oh, no more.