A fight over a Raitaru timer in 3D-CQU in Providence has just escalated after TEST dropped Suprise Titans onto Pandemic Legion.
The action unfolded live on the Meta Show, with Progodlegend being initially absent from the guest list due to preparing to drop supers, and Killahbee having to mute himself while dealing with the sudden appearance of TEST dreads, caps and supers on field.
The fight itself was mostly over in minutes, with PL taking heavy losses. The battle reports are still updating, but at the moment PL have lost between 75b and 130b ISK, whilst TEST, CVA and friends have lost 35-45b ISK, depending on which battle report you look at.
We will bring you a fuller report once it is available.
Update: The losses for the fight now look like 200b for PL, and 90b for everyone else.