As part of the PLEX4GOOD for the Australian bushfires, a group of AUTZ players from around New Eden have gotten together to organise a brawl to raise PLEX for the event.
Organised by Chiimera (Goonswarm), Fawlty7 (Tikle), Sort Dragon (Darkness), and Malakai (NCDot), this event will be a chance for you to bring your drake out of the dust of your hangar and explode it gloriously or, take down everyone else on the field.
The event takes place on Friday January 17 just after downtime, at 1130 UTC in Nalvula in Lonetrek. It will be a free-for-all Thunderdome event, and according to Eve-O posts, there will potentially be some shiny killmails to get on.
There will be a whole load of CCP devs and GMs to shoot at, CCP Convict told us that around 15 Devs and GMs will be taking part, and that there might be some ISDs as well!
This event is an opportunity for players to raise awareness of what is going on in Australia, so whether you are donating or not, if you have a battlecruiser in the area, pick it up and go and shoot Sort Dragon, or CCP Convict, or a random passing Australian!
For more information you can join their Discord, or the in-game channel Brawl for Bushfires.
The event will be streamed on Chiimera’s channel on Twitch and hosted on a number of other channels, including INN, CCP, and Streamfleet. So if you are unable to make the fighting itself, tune in and take part in the fun! The stream will kick off a little earlier, at around 1115.