On the morning of June 13 US time, Lychton Kondur, CEO of Brave Collective, released a State of the Alliance address discussing what’s next for Brave.
That SoTA has since been released to Soundcloud.
Points of interest include increased fluidity in communication between alliance leadership members rather than just weekly council meetings. This will be achieved via the leadership being beta testers on the new forums, due to go live in three to five weeks, signaling a transfer from public hashing out of alliance dealings on their subreddit. In addition, Lychton has ordered a deployment to the Duality server, announcing his intent to take the grand prize in the entosis link war games on that server. Even fun fleets will be run there, though sov timers will still be contested on Tranquility when needed.
This article originally appeared on TheMittani.com, written by Siaka Stevens.