The Amarr Succession Trials will begin today at 1300 EVE Time on CCP’s Twitch Channel.
According to CCP’s official Schedule and Rules news post, this weekend is Phase One. This means that each House will be represented by four teams on the ‘short list’ of Champions. Today’s fighting, beginning with two intra-House matches from each House, will serve to narrow the field down. Once those matches conclude, the winners of each match will face off in another round of intra-House combat, determining which team will represent their House in the coming weeks. The fighting kicks off with the matches from House Ardishapur, and proceeds through the remaining five Houses in alphabetical order.
In addition to the rules released with the schedule, each House fights under its own rules during today’s matches. The initial two matches are fought under ‘Ruleset #1’, while the final match will be fought under that House’s ‘Ruleset #2’. Those House Rules were originally posted on the EVE Online forums by CCP Fozzie on Friday, and are as follows:
Initial Matches:
House Ardishapur Ruleset #1 (Used for Match 1 and Match 2):
Choose any four of the following ships, one for each team member (no ship type can be flown by more than one team member): Devoter, Oracle, Purifier, Sentinel, Sigil, Zealot
House Kador Ruleset #1 (Used for Match 3 and Match 4):
Choose any four of the following ships, one for each team member (no ship type can be flown by more than one team member): Crucifier, Executioner, Inquisitor, Magnate, Punisher, Tormentor
One pilot in the Inquisitor may fit remote repair modules if desired.
House Khanid Ruleset #1 (Used for Match 5 and Match 6):
Choose any four of the following ships, one for each team member (no ship type can be flown by more than one team member): Anathema, Curse, Damnation, Heretic, Malediction, Sacrilege, Vengance
House Kor-Azor Ruleset #1 (Used for Match 7 and Match 8):
Two team members fly Coercers, two team members fly Dragoons
House Sarum Ruleset #1 (Used for Match 9 and Match 10):
Choose any four of the following ships, one for each team member (no ship type can be flown by more than one team member): Absolution, Crusader, Guardian, Pilgrim, Retribution
One pilot in the Guardian may fit remote repair modules if desired.
House Tash-Murkon Ruleset #1 (Used for Match 11 and Match 12):
One team member flies a Legion, the other three team members fly Confessors
Final Intra-House Matches:
House Ardishapur Ruleset #2 (Used for Match 13):
Every team member flies an Imperial Navy Slicer
House Kador Ruleset #2 (Used for Match 14):
Choose one Tech 1 or Navy Battlecruiser (Navy Harbinger, Harbinger, Prophecy, Oracle) and three basic T1 Cruisers (Arbitrator, Augoror, Maller, Omen) (no ship type can be flown by more than one team member).
One pilot in the Augoror may fit remote repair modules if desired.
House Khanid Ruleset #2 (Used for Match 15):
Every team member flies a Curse
House Kor-Azor Ruleset #2 (Used for Match 16):
Choose any four of the following cruisers, one for each team member (no ship type can be flown by more than one team member): Arbitrator, Augoror, Omen, Maller, Augoror Navy Issue, Omen Navy Issue, Sacrilege, Zealot, Devoter, Curse, Pilgrim
One pilot in the Augoror may fit remote repair modules if desired.
House Sarum Ruleset #2 (Used for Match 17):
Every team member flies a Retribution
House Tash-Murkon Ruleset #2 (Used for Match 18):
Choose any four of the following battleships, one for each team member (no ship type can be flown by more than one team member): Apocalypse Navy Issue, Armageddon Navy Issue, Apocalypse, Armageddon, Abaddon
While remote repair modules will be allowed on specific hulls, remote capacitor transfers are not permitted. This should have the effect of minimizing the possibility of so-called “Tinker” configurations, as well as making the Augoror and Guardian builds far more purpose-built than might otherwise be seen. In addition, pilots cannot use ship SKINs of ‘heretical’ factions, such as the Equilibrium of Mankind, or the Blood Raiders — though presumably this will have no effect on the fittings chosen.
Interestingly, of the six Houses involved, only three will be flying hulls able to use remote repair modules at all during Phase One. In the first round of paired matches, Houses Kador and Sarum will have the option to use remote repair modules, while in the second round, only Kador and Kor-Azor will be permit their use. Presumably, the selection of hulls, and thus, the availability of logi/support ships is based on the Houses’ normal preferences within their own military structures.
During the initial three weeks of combat, teams are allowed to engage in extensive theorycrafting, including seeking outside advice. During the final round at FanFest however, CCP “will be locking each team into a room at CCP before giving them the rules, and they’ll have to do all their theorycrafting with just their 4 team members.”
Additionally, for those eager to support their House or simply interested in EVE Online artwork and wallpaper, the Schedule and Rules news posting has a set of wallpapers available in a number of sizes for each House.
This article originally appeared on, written by Arrendis.