After leaving Legacy Coalition and the PAPI mega-coalition at the end of January, former DeadCo alliance Siberian Squads [SB-SQ] has joined the Imperium. The news broke just before 1600 EVE-time with the following announcement from The Mittani:
SIBERIAN SQUADS JOINS THE IMPERIUM: It is a great honor to welcome Hanzo Viper and his alliance Siberian Squads to the Imperium. We got to know Hanzo and his skilled crew back when they were part of Deadco. They impressed us back then, and have continued to do so while being on the opposing side of this war; when Sibsq left Legacy several weeks ago, I immediately extended them an offer to join the Imperium – and I am delighted that they have accepted. Their bravery and warlike spirits impress me greatly, choosing to join us and moving directly to the front line of the hottest war in the history of gaming thus far.
Hanzo is a fantastic FC and as he is based in Siberia, he and his people will be reinforcing our cn/rus timezones. Siberian Squads will be settling in Querious and working with our allies and squads in that area to take the fight to the enemy. Welcome to our new brothers and sisters!
It remains to be seen what this reversal means in terms of morale and momentum in the war.