It is no secret that The Imperium is preparing for war. The Mittani, leader of The Imperium, declared on the Meta Show of May 11 that someone was in for a pounding. This would not be a campaign to expand the territories held by The Imperium, but “glass a region”. The Mittani also gave notice that this campaign would last one to two months at least. Everything is to be burnt to the ground.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Despite the actual target still remaining a secret some alliances have leapt into action. PanFam members Northern Coalition Dot (NCDot), Pandemic Horde (PH) and Pandemic Legion (PL) have started to unanchor a number of citadels in the region of Tribute. According to the Reddit post there are 29 citadels being unanchored at this time. One of which is even a Keepstar.
So little time, so many potential targets. While PanFam have been quick to act it is not known for sure yet if other coalitions will be the focus of The Imperium. For instance Elo Knight has been very vocal in “Delve Bots”. Elo Knight of course left Black Legion Dot Dot Dot, I hope I got enough Dots in there, to join Fraternity Dot. The release of data at the request of Elo has made him look more than a little silly. Especially as he was basing his run for CSM this year on an anti-botting platform.
But then there is Dead Coalition (DeadCo) led by Sort Dragon. Just this last week Sort Dragon kicked out long standing member alliance Slyce, run by Riot Rick. This spat was over Riot Rick pursuing botters and according to Sort Dragon using racism within a Google spreadsheet. The claims of Sort Dragon seem a bit tenuous at best. But the numbers from the Monthly Economic Report (MER) do show that the region of Branch has been very active with regards to ratting. The ratting numbers even compare to the region of Delve which has a far greater population density.
Reactions to the News
The target of The Imperium’s ire is “Top Secret”. But there have been some “dank leaks” on Reddit, as you would normally expect. It is not a secret though that The Mittani also vented in certain Eve related channels. With the release of more detailed data from CCP regarding users banned a truth was revealed. Quite simply all the bad words over many years about Goons (The Imperium members) being a safe haven for botters were without merit.
Weirdly, the groups casting unsavoury dispersions on the good name of The Imperium seemed to be far worse when it came to bans and botting. It would not be the first time a group had been very loud in their condemnation of others when in fact it was them who were doing the crimes.
The Mittani intends to hold a State of the Goonion (SOTG) this coming Saturday, May 18. This is quite a rare event for The Imperium. Normally a SOTG is only held under the most unusual of circumstances.
Is this a Mittens ruse cruise?
The targets available to The Mittani are not singular. He has played the game for a very long time and at a level that few can match. So despite what others are reacting to there is a very real chance that The Mittani may be doing something quite different to what is being expected.
The Imperium has had many successes since they were evicted from the north by “all of Eve”. But the list of those who still need to be reminded of their part during The Casino War is still present.
There is still a chance that The Imperium will be deployed somewhere unexpected. We will have to wait until this Saturday to find out. It is expected that the SOTG will be streamed live on The Imperium News Network Twitch stream. So tune in for the very latest in New Eden news from the only news network that counts.