This week’s Metashow featured four guests, all major participants in the Tribute and Vale conflicts raging in the north. KillahBee, Poison Kevin, Vily and William Crane squared off, and we learned many important lessons – like how Pandemic Horde are both ‘entosis slaves’ yet keep NC and PL together in their coalition, how Gigx could be asleep in his Keepstar’s gunner’s seat, and how Fozziesov is a lot like herpes. Thanks to our guests for their insights!
Watch the replay on INN’s Youtube channel and find out why – this show was fantastic, with more than 750 concurrent viewers.
The next Metashow will be at 21:00 EVE on Saturday 12/17 on INN Twitch, featuring a panel of CEOs realtalking about what it’s like to run an alliance or megacorp in Eve Online.
What was your favorite part of this week’s show?