Our INN DevTeam provides quality content and seeks to constantly enhance the viewing experience for our various audiences. Our developers create the best user experience possible, including site improvements to optimize performance. The DevTeam is also regularly tinkering with new site features and tools. Do you enjoy tinkering? Do you see something at INN that could stand to be improved? Do you have an idea that might help? Join INN’s DevTeam!
INN’s developers are the backbone of the site, helping to make everything else we do here at INN possible. Our developers work with INN Leadership to determine the needs of INN’s users, and then perform the end-to-end design, coding, and modifications required to give our readers the best user experience they can.
QA Analyst
Our QA Analysts like to break stuff. Specifically: Their job is to put our site functionality through the ringer and break it if they can, so we know what works, what doesn’t, and how to fix it. They are our testers and troubleshooters; if there are errors in our site’s functionality, it’s their job to find them and make sure we fix them.
Incentive Structure
Compensation for both roles is task-dependent and varies widely depending on the time and effort required to complete a given task.
How to Apply
If either of these roles sounds like something that you’d be interested in helping with, or even if you just have some sort of site functionality you think we can be doing better (and some ideas about how to do it), reach out to lead developer Sopleb on INN’s Discord to join in and lend a hand!.