It was just like any other peacetime fleet one could go on, but this one ended up with a bit of a surprise.
We did a small round tour of Thera, you know, saw all the sights and stopped by the tourist WH’s. We soon moved on to a destination unknown to us, and the FC kept on hinting to us, that this would be a great trip.
We arrived in G-M4I8, in Pure Blind, and were holding on the Stargate (EC-P8R). We did not sit there for long until the FC told us about this “Battle mining ships”, that were supposed to pass through this system. We waited patiently and hoped for a good fight – and it soon became the best surprise ever.
So the mining ships warped in one blob after another. They kept pouring in, and we kept on bubbling them. We tackled everything we could get our hands on, and we just melted them away. We soon became aware that it was their FC’s Birthday today, and he had stored a lot of spoils in his cargo – I might add that it was quite a strange thing to move around in your cargo. But why not…
– This guy was apparently taking his corpses out for a trip.
We were like the Gods of Destruction at this gate. We killed almost every one of them, and lost only 6 ships – we were quite happy with those numbers. We had to give up on the Rorqual though, as we did not have the manpower to take him down – he was soon joined by a fax on field, and we turned our fleet towards home.
You may think; what might be so special about this fight? – well, take a look!
This should give you a reason to join those peacetime ops – it’s a lot of fun, while being quite laid-back.
– Happy Birthday, Virion Stoneshard!