FCON is leaving the Imperium, and going out to conquer and live in a home of our own. We will remain blue to our friends in the Imperium, but we will no longer be a part of it.
This is a serious post but it wouldn’t be one by me without some kind of humor
FCON has always been a loyal member of the Imperium, and we have benefited greatly from our own work and the work of our allies. Everything we had we had because we were a part of something greater that came together in times of need. Despite the propaganda efforts of the enemies of the Imperium, we were never mistreated as a group by their leadership. Goons are Goons, their members have a culture of constant insulting and attack that is both internal and external, we cannot hold them to our own cultural standards. FCON held the richest region, had PVP opportunities across the galaxy, and spent years enjoying major victory after major victory because of our membership in the Imperium. Hell, we were there when the CFC was formed originally, we’re old school members.
So everyone sees us lose a war, and sees the leaks on reddit from private conversations between goons taken out of context, and gets angry. That’s ok. But actions always speak louder then words, and no act by the Imperium in the past has been a reason to leave. Yet, we have decided to do so.
No damnit!
With the changes implemented by fozziesov resulting in tremendous disadvantages to smaller defending alliances, the leadership of the Imperium has been kicking around the concept of creating mega alliances to counter this weakness. Strategically this does make sense, entosis links are only useful by a defender, and only if you can reach the system in time to do anything. The unfortunate side effect of fozziesov is that if we are associated with a large entity like the Imperium we lose any real benefit of having them as friends on the defensive. Only much larger alliances staging out of low-sec can defend against large enemy coalitions. Single independent but allied alliances will always be picked off if they are a part of a larger group that is in a large scale war.
That leaves the Imperium on defense with only a few options: We merge into mega alliances, we crash on the couch of a single mega alliance, or we live homeless. After discussing many options amongst our CEOs FCON decided to go another route.
Maybe we’ve learned something from the branch evacuation fiasco
We will be restaging the alliance over the next week to a new assault point for our sov target. We will be on a full war footing once this begins. The skyteam and other departments are working in earnest to prepare things so we are not rushing to cover our miscalculations, as during the retreat from Branch.
We have already decided our target, our staging, and our basic war plan. Final details are being completed and you can all expect a war update in the next few days that will cover what you need, where you need to be, and when you need to be there. We also have primary and secondary contingency plans if things change once we begin.
In the meantime everyone needs to begin preparing themselves for another move. We will be building a new home for ourselves. You don’t need to panic evac assets out of Saranen or other similar staging areas. We will be able to extract trapped supers and titans over whatever period we need to, many are still stuck right now but they are not forgotten! Despite leaving the Imperium we will remain blue with them indefinitely. They have been good friends for a long time, and those ties are not lightly cast aside. Perhaps someday we will be in a position to provide aid in their time of need, who knows?
We will need everyone for this. We will be attacking sov by ourselves, an effort not to be taken lightly. Expectations will be high for everyone, we cannot drag our feet or give this a halfass effort. I saw 560 FCON defend our old home, I want to see incredible numbers conquer our new home.
You guys are all my heroes. Let’s go do something amazing together. Kick ass, take names, get your flag planted. You build your future.
(Editor’s Note: Alliance Updates are aimed at internal audiences and usually are considered the gospel truth by their membership but vile propaganda by everybody else. You should definitely know this by now. This update comes via Tarkinius, of FCON)