The Legacy Coalition is on the precipice of total collapse following the startling events of the 2nd of August, 2021. With the newly christened “Beeitnam War” having dramatically turned over the past few days, a number of member alliances within Legacy made announcements about future plans. These statements paint a terrible picture for the future of the coalition lead by Test Alliance Please Ignore. In addition, recent leaks have revealed that the withdrawal from Delve and Querious has turned into a full scale rout as timelines have been dramatically hastened with all move ops now scheduled for this coming weekend.
“What a f**king s**t show”
The first announcement came from TEST’s Progodlegend. The clip, that has been widely circulated, outlined TEST’s plans to leave the frontlines and retreat to Dronelands. Early reports indicate they will be given space in Cache, although this has not been verified by an official source at this time. The alarms started ringing for other Legacy alliances, known as “Voltron.” These states had not been informed of the plans to unanchor structures in Delve, nor of the planned evacuation to Drones. Clearly, TEST decided to leave its former partners to their own fate.
However, TEST pilots were enraged by their leadership’s decision. The stream, broadcast live onto Youtube by Imperium spies, was left open after PGL’s address. What followed was an outpouring of resentment.
“I would rather stay here and die than retreat,” exclaimed one member.
Another person tried to calm the angry crowd by trying to convince them that PAPI had “won the war,” only to be met with cried of “we didn’t win shit.” Around 20 minutes of vicious arguments took place, which were only stopped when PGL returned to inform them that the whole conversation was being livestreamed. By then the damage was done.
A Classy Route Out
In contrast to the the excuses and rage displayed by TEST, the BRAVE announcement was an example in leadership. Dunk Dinkle, who took over as official leader the day after the announcement, told his alliance the bad news: “The war is over and we have lost. As I have said before, this war would be decided by morale . . . and the will of our coalition to continue is gone.” He went on to take responsibility for the fall for his alliance, stating “the blame lies with me as the leader; I will not give excuses or spin. I failed to protect BRAVE from this exact outcome.”
BRAVE members rallied immediately, providing solace in defeat for their leader. One player proudly spoke up to say “You said sorry a lot of times Dunk, and I don’t think you had to. We fought this war and we gave it everything. We will do what needs to be done . . . but for crying out loud, do not blame yourselves for anything. We will find another space for this beautiful alliance of ours.” But despite the reassuring words, it was clear from the tone of Dunk’s voice that he was worried for the future of his alliance.
If you come at the king you best not miss, and we have missed. We will lose Querious and will have to move out. BRAVE needs to take a different path going forward. This game is supposed to be fun. For those who stick with BRAVE, I intend to take us on a new path. I won’t be giving details on our exact location now.
Dunk Dinkle, CEO of BRAVE
FEDUP get fed up
Behind the announcements of the two major Legacy alliances, the smaller groups had to react quickly. Federation Uprising had based themselves in Fountain since post M2-XFE, creating the group “Fountain Alliance Please Ignore,” or FAPI, with other new occupants such as Forsaken Empire. However, the Y-2ANO Keepstar that borders Fountain and Delve was one of the first to be unanchored. Their Townhall was not a happy one. Many members were extremely resentful about PAPI’s demise and a rift had cut the alliance in two.
It was announced that FEDUP, already feeling the pressure of reprisal from the Initiative. would disband. Members who wished to remain with the remnants of Legacy would be merged into one corporation and follow TEST, whilst others would go their separate ways. It is unclear at this time what the future holds for those corporations. But this vacuum has left the doors to Fountain wide open.
Evictus Stay Put
In contrast to others, the Evictus Townhall was a very light-hearted address by alliance executor Francis Raven. He opened by describing the loss of the biggest war in EVE Online by saying “Yeah. Tough nuggets.” He then revealed their intensions immediately: “I do want to quickly mention, Evictus will be staying where we are, along with our friends in AoM (Army of Mangos) and Vindictive. We will not be leaving.” Evictus have rebuilt infrastructure following their removal from Catch/Immensea and have now established the Pan-Intergalactic Business Community (PIBC) with the aforementioned allies.
“Your stuff is not safe unless it’s in an Evictus, AoM or Vindi structure. We are going to look out for Evictus first and pull out right away.” He then went on to reveal that they would not be joining TEST in their move north. “TEST is a bit radioactive,” Francis explained. “Goons have stated they will follow TEST until the ends of the server. I do anticipate TEST being in a bit of a tricky position. As for Legacy, it’s kinda up in the air. I believe Legacy will fold. Legacy will not be a thing anymore.” The alliance is fully expecting that the T5ZI-S Keepstar will be destroyed and they are planning to stay put in Esoteria.
No Replacements
Already Replaced, who have been decreasingly inactive in this war, conducted their alliance announcement on the 4th of August. Although not leaked, a hastily thrown together reddit post revealed internal turmoil. It appears that there has been a plan by an AARP director to siphon ISK from the alliance and then move a PvP-orientated group into TEST. Members appear to be enraged by these rumors, but whatever occurs over the next week, the future for AARP looks bleak.
The remnants of a Legacy
Other notable Legacy friends include Army of Mangos, who presumably will be remaining in Osa and Esoteria with Vindictive and Evictus, most likely reinforcing their ties as a new coalition: the Pan-Intergalactic Business Community. This move will most likely further increase the animosity between themselves and Fraternity as the name alone (PIBC) is synomymous with the ruination of the Serenity server. Their location also places them in the immediate path of a vengeful Imperium.
There has been no word on Severance at this time. The small alliance has punched far above its weight in this war, regularly providing good numbers to PAPI fleets and using their Wolf fleets as a constant annoyance to the Imperium’s during the siege of O-EIMK. Early speculation has rumoured they may be in talks with PIBC.
Warped Intentions, having recently been evicted from Catch, now reside in Period Basis. However, events in the few days following the collapse of PAPI have seen the Imperium reinforce almost every system in Delve, destroying numerous jump bridges and reinforcing structures. Period Basis and Querious will be next on their rampage and W4RP will be looking for a new home in the immediate future.
The End of Legacy
The complex relationships of the Legacy Coalition have become even more fractured during the war. The rout and evacuation have seen all groups either isolated by TEST or putting distance between themselves and TEST. Unlike other coalitions, there appears to be no interest by TEST leadership to ensure that their siblings in Legacy are included in their plans, or are protected by their fleets as they evacuate. TEST’s priorities over the next few weeks will be running north with as many assets as possible and creating a buffer between themselves and the Imperium. But, with their list of friends growing shorter, the question of how long they can survive will be burning into their members’ thoughts.