One week ago during the regular Sunday Fireside Chat, Goonswarm leader The Mittani announced to the Imperium line members that effective July 23, Goonswarm would be leaving the Galactic Northwest. Any allies who choose to accompany the alliance would be welcome as they begin a campaign to rebuild member income sources. The move is also intended to remove the unifying external enemy that has continued to provide impetus for the 43,833 members of the MoneyBadger Coalition to remain cooperative.
While The Mittani did not reveal the destination of the move, speculation has been rife across both sides of the war. Guesses range from Delve to Curse to Venal to the eastern Drone Regions. Leadership, at the time of this writing, has refused to comment on any of those possibilities, however. Thera, at least, has been conclusively ruled out as an ultimate destination.
Formal departure ops have been tentatively scheduled to begin on around 19:30 EVE on July 23, and will likely continue until the Ozone runs out.
As of 18:20 EVE, Imperium subcapital fleets, as well as fleets from Pandemic Horde, NCdot, and Darkness, have begun forming.
TMC will provide updates if events warrant.
UPDATE: NCdot Machariels attempted to kill an Imperium Leviathan at the first jump, but were unsuccessful, killing only the cyno.